Telling the familys and the boys

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    Today was the day where you and Ashton were going to tell both sides of the family's.
"Are you ready to go Ash?" You asked starting to put on your coat.
  After a few minutes of you waiting you got worried and decided to go upstairs to check on Ashton. You saw him in bed fully dressed...... but he was crying.

"Ash baby? You ok?" You asked in the doorway

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"Ash baby? You ok?" You asked in the doorway.
"I don't think I'm ready." He replied gripping the blankets harder.
  You walked over to him and placed a hand in his head. You kneeled over and asked.
"Are you worried that they're not going to support another pregnancy?"
  He nodded with tears spilling out of his eyes.
"Ashton. They've supported us throughout the other three. What's makes you think that they're not going to support us on this one?"
"I don't know...... maybe I'm just too in my head about you being pregnant again." He said softly.
"Yeah..... now let's go. I don't want to keep my mom waiting. You know how she is if we're late." You said laughing.
"Yeah ok. Sounds like a plan." He said getting out of bed.

*After the drive*

   The two of you had just gotten to Ashton's parents place and his mom was just cooking up dinner.
"Do you need help with anything?" You asked coming to the kitchen for a glass of water.
"Yeah actually, could you reach that pan up there?" She asked.
    You didn't want to say no, but at the same time you were pregnant, and you knew, that Ashton wouldn't like you climbing things.
"Why not?" You asked putting your glass of water down on the island and climbing onto the counter.
   At that moment, Ashton came in and saw you reaching for the pan. He quickly ran over to you and lifted you down.
"What the hell was that for Ash?" You said annoyed.
"I can't let you do that. I won't risk you losing another child." He whispered.
"Why do you have to be so stubborn Ash. Just let your wife get it." You said jokingly.
"Ok fine." He said getting another beer for your brother and father.
   You got the pan and helped Ashton's mother with the cooking. Everyone always told you that you were an excellent chef but you didn't think so.
"You ok darling?" Ashton's mom asked.
"What? Oh yeah. I'm fine. Just a little anxious." You said.
"Ok. It's just you're kneading the dough quite strong. Last time this happened is when you were going to tell us that you were pregnant." She joked.
You tensed up and laughed along with her.

*An hour later*

The food was finally done and on the table

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The food was finally done and on the table. Everyone was joking around and enjoying the food.
"This food is so good!!! The two of you girls are such good cooks!" Michael said grabbing some more food.
"Thanks Michael." You said, grabbing more rice.
"Why aren't you drinking wine Y/N? Are you having one of those days again?" Luke asked.
"Yeah. Just not feeling the wine tonight."
     Everyone joked around until dinner was done. Both you and Ashton's mom cleaned up. In the middle of cleaning you felt sick to your stomach.
"Are you ok? You look pale darling." Anne Marie asked.
"Just a little nauseous is all." You replied.
"Go sit down dear. I can clean up." She said smiling.
"Ok tha-" You said, felling the familiar burn of vomit in your throat.
(Ashton's POV)
I was just joking around with the lads and Y/N's family when all of a sudden I heard a plate break and Y/N running to to toilet.
"Maybe it's because she drank so much water that she has to go to the toilet!!" Michael joke and everyone laughed.
I rolled my eyes and quickly went to go check on her. The door was closed, so I knocked on it and heard Y/N heaving. I opened the door to see her hunched over the toilet. I closed the door and locked it while I started to run her back. This pregnancy was definitely beating the crap out of her already and it was just the first trimester.
"It's going to be ok honey bun. This part of the pregnancy is the hardest part." I said as she came up.
"This kid is definitely yours Ashton." She said joking it as she rinsed out her mouth. "Ash?"
"Yeah." I said as I came up behind her, while snaking my arms around her waist.
"C - c - could we tell them now? I mean we can't hide it from them forever." She asked.
"I was thinking the same thing." I replied.
After Y/N got herself cleaned up, we both went outside to were everyone was quite and looking at us.
"I - is it true that Y/N is pregnant...... again?" Luke questioned.
The two of us just stared at each other, then back to everyone. Y/N looked down and started to cry a little bit.
"Yeah she is....... I'm going to be a dad again." I said, while tears brimmed to my eyes.
"Holy mother of balls." Michael said in shock. "Literally......."
Everyone started erupting into congratulations and cheering. Y/N's mom and my mom, were hugging each other and crying while both our dads and siblings were hugging us and being really excited. Y/N was crying and laughing...... one question that is still on my mind ever since the first day that I saw her cry. How does she still manage to look good when she cries?

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