Boy(s) Or Girl(s)?

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Both you and Ashton had thrown a gender reveal party to reveal the genders of the triplets. The boys, your family and his family were all crowded around outside. There was a box on a table where the genders would be.
"Ok so is everyone ready for the reveal of the triplets?!" Ashton said putting his large hand over top of yours which was on the box.
"Yeah!!!!!" Micheal yelled, typical Michael.
"Ok let's have a countdown first." You said rubbing your stomach.
"3........2........1!!!!!" Everyone yelled.
Both you and Ashton opened the box and took out a boy onesie.

  Both you and Ashton opened the box and took out a boy onesie

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"One boy!" Ashton shouted.
You both then pulled out another boy onesie.

You both then pulled out another boy onesie

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"Another boy!" You said.
Then the two of you grabbed into the box for the last time and pulled out a girl onesie.

Then the two of you grabbed into the box for the last time and pulled out a girl onesie

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"A little girl!!!" Everyone yelled.
Tears were pouring out of your face as everyone hugged you. Then the party started and everyone was having a good time as you were having a little bite to eat from the fridge. You then felt light headed. You kept eating the granola bar and when you were finished you went to the bathroom to see if you needed to vomit. You locked the door and sat onto the floor rubbing circles on your stomach. You then leaned over the toilet bowl and started to vomit out your insides. You stayed on the bathroom floor for awhile before someone knocked on the door.
"Babe you ok in there?" Ashton said.
You unlocked the door and he came in, locking the door when he came in.
"They're giving me slight nausea but I'm good." You said leaning into Ashton's chest.
"You're handling this well darling. Even if it's three times more than what you'd expected it would be." He replied running your back. "Do you feel better to go out again?"
"Yeah. I just need some water, I feel a little light headed right now." You replied.
Ashton got you water and you then enjoyed the party and the genders of the triplets.

A/N: So my parents found out that I started to cut, so they took me to the children's hospital and I then found out there, that I was diagnosed with depression...... great. 😔😔😔😔😔 The doctors told me to keep on writing to see if it helped, they also gave me some pills to help make it better. To be honest it sucks that just a death of a friend could do this to me....... Don't be surprised if I start to upload chapters more often.

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