Lauren was happy because she could get her work done and Camila was happy because Lauren was giving her attention.

After about half an hour, Lauren closed the laptop, pulling out one of Camila's earphones.

"I've finished. I'm all yours," She told her and Camila paused her music, looking up at her.

"It's raining. That means we're stuck inside," Camila stated and Lauren nodded. "This house is too big."

"Sorry. I wasn't expecting to cater for you when I bought it," Lauren joked, bouncing her knees so Camila also bounced.

"You wasn't expecting to cater for me until I turned up at your house," Camila pointed out with a smile, "I think it's lonely here. There's only two of us and so many rooms."

"Didn't you grown up in a mansion with just you and your parents?" Lauren raised an eyebrow playfully.

"I didn't like it though. And anyway, there were more people. There were the cooks and Isabella and-" Camila started but soon shut up when Lauren sniggered. "Don't be mean."

"I'm not being mean. Princess," Lauren empathised the last word and Camila pouted.

"You're making fun of me! Stop," She exclaimed and Lauren rubbed the sides of her stomach.

"I'm sorry, I'll stop now. And I know this house is big but I can't really move," Lauren went back to the original conversation.

"One day we'll move. To a house by the beach where we can hear the ocean at night," Camila told her and Lauren slipped her hand under her crop top, tracing small patterns on the tanned skin.

"Yeah? Just the two of us?" Lauren questioned.

"I want kids one day. Two little girls. And I want a dog," Camila elaborated.

"I'm sorry to break it to you baby but that's not how it works. Neither of us has the right parts to make a baby," Lauren said with a smile and Camila shook her head slightly.

"There's ways. We can adopt," Camila suggested and Lauren nodded in agreement.

"You'd be a great mom," Lauren murmured in her ear.

"So would you. I can't wait to have kids," Camila leant her head against Lauren's shoulder and Lauren ignored the pang of guilt that shot through her, instead kissing Camila's cheek.

After a few moments of silence Camila suddenly spoke up again. "I love you too."

"What?" Lauren questioned in confusion.

"I felt you trace it. I love you too," Camila smiled and Lauren smiled back at her.

"I love you most."

It continued to rain for the entire day.

Around three o'clock Lauren went to buy some groceries and Camila stayed in the house, her rainy day playlist on whilst she looked through her photos to try and find some good ones to print off.

She had decided to make a scrapbook and had only gotten as far as choosing the photos so far. When she was content with the photos she had chosen, she smiled proudly before walking over to the printer.

She frowned in confusion when the machine wouldn't turn on, trying multiple times to start it. After a while, she pinned it down on the weather and decided to go and check the fuse box.

Possession ➸ Camrenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें