The doctor came out as he removed his face mask. The couple stood up as they felt the presence of the doctor so I immediately run after them. They looked at me with curiosity but afterwards, they turned to the doctor.

"Are you the parents of Mr. York Delgado?" The doctor asked to them.

I turned to the couple. So they are the parents?

"Y-yes doc. How's m-my son?" York's mother asked while sobbing. I looked at the doctor anxiously waiting for his answer hoping York's okay and good. I can feel my heart thumping against my chest as I bit my lower lip.

"York's condition is very severe. He has a brain cancer and I observed that it is getting serious." The doctor shook his head slowly while looking at the paper.

My tears burst like a waterfalls spilling down my face. I involuntarily placed my hand to my chest as I felt it tightened.

It feels like my brain isn't registering the news and I don't want to. York is my best of friend and I don't want him suffering like this. Why didn't he told me about this—

"One time, he starts vomiting, his head starts aching and he sometimes lose his balance when he's playing and he's also having a sleep problems. He set aside all of it until it worsened so he visited the hospital and he felt like his world crashed when he found out about his symptoms."


"He never take a medication also in an early way. His brain cancer was neglected." He added.

Mrs. Delgado started to cry while hugging her husband saying whe didn't York told them. Mr. Delgado turned to the doctor with a tears on his cheeks.

"This is all my fault!" Mrs. Delgado mumbled.

"Doc, he's going to be fine, right?" York's father asked hoping a good news but the doctor shook his head in dismay.

I turned my fist into rock while looking at the ground and my eyes were blurry because of my tears.

Now, they are here just because York is in the hospital? How about the previous days that York is suffering and yet his parents doesn't know about this? I feel hurt for York.

"D-doc, please do anything you can. Please help him s-survive." I pleaded. The doctor nodded at me and smiled weakly.

One hour has passed but I'm still outside of York's room staring blankly at the wall. I don't want to see him in this kind of situation. I used to see him smile and teased me but why is he here, unconscious and sick.

Mom texted me and I told her I can't go home, I told her about York's and she was so shocked and worried because York's been good to my parents too.

"Hija, are you York's friend?" York's mother sat beside me after she closed the door of York's room. I nodded without looking at her.

"You know what? This is the first time  of him having a girl—friend." She said softly. I played with my fingers while listening to her.

"My husband and I aren't always with him but I still care for him and I love him more than anything. I'm blaming myself for this." Her voice cracked and started crying. I looked at her worriedly and reached for her to rubbed her back.

"This is not going to happen if only we did not diverted all our attention in our business." She said in repentance.

I did not talk because I also don't know what to say. I'm still shocked to what happened. It seems like time's so fast that I can't even accept this.

"Irene." I heard Gwyneth called me. I turned to her and she greeted me with worried face. She hugged me and comforted me. This is what I need right now.

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