Chapter 27

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Trixie POV

The wedding is tomorrow and everything is done, everyone can just relax and wait for it. Brian has been wearing his suit a lot, it fits him so strangely perfect. "I really thought they would've done a drag wedding." Brian says as he walks inside of the living room, comfy clothes clinging to his body. "Most of the guests will come in drag." I reply and smile at him. "Really? I didn't see that on the invitation." He says and sits next to me. "Because we got special invitations. We're best men, remember?" I reply and give him a kiss. "So, who's going to do the speech?" He asks and we both just stare at eachother. "I mean, I don't have a probl-" "Great! Thanks for taking one for the team." Brian cuts me off. He normally doesn't have an issue with speaking for large crowds, but weddings have always made Brian iffy and insicure. I decide to just let it go and shake it off. Luckily I already prepared a speech, so we can just have a relax day today.

At least, that's what I thought. Brian's phone rings and he picks up. "Hello? Raja! Hey baby!" He almost yells and stands up to walk through the living room as he speaks. I follow his every move with my eyes. "A gig? With who?" He suddenly says and I raise an eyebrow. "I'll ask, hold up." He says and turns to me. "You up for a gig tonight? With Raja, Manila, Jinkx, Ivy, Trinity and Aja?" He asks me. "Sounds fun, sure!" I reply. I haven't had a gig in ages, and seeing some of the girls is always fun. "Alright baby, see you tonight. Yes, we'll be on time. No, we won't forget." I hear him say before hanging up. I laugh softly, I love how Raja knows Brian's such a klutz and it's even worse as Katya. I decide to test him. "So what's planned for tonight?" I casually ask as I turn on the TV. "Uhhh.. Nothing?" He says and I raise an eyebrow at him. "No! The gig! We have a gig!" He shouts, laughing. "You hung up a second ago!" I say to him and he laughs even harder. He plops back on the couch, laying himself against me. "They're doing this thing with two queens from season 3, two from season 5, two from season 7 and two from season 9. It sounds like a lot of fun!" He explains and I just listen to him, playing with his hairs. "It's nice of her to think about us. I mean, we are the most fun queens from our season." I reply and Brian laughs. "I thought Trixie was horrible, but you're honestly even worse as Brian." He says and I hit his chest.

As I'm sitting in front of the mirror, doing my makeup, I suddenly smell food, pasta to be precise. I do some last touches and hurry myself down. "Do I smell my favorite dish?" I excitedly ask and Brian turns around. He screams at me as he sees only my face beat to death. "Dear god, I thought my uncle Bonnie was going to kill me." He says and I gasp. "Did you just call me a clown?" I spurt out with a chuckle. "No, that'd be an insult to clowns." He simply replies and scoops up a nice portion for me. "I'll get you back you, you, rotted cunt." I softly say to him and grab my plate, sitting down at the table. Brian quickly joins me and we start eating. "Your makeup looks good today baby." Brian says and I smile. "Thank you! I tried this new blush which is a mixture of two eyeshadows." I say in my best white girl voice. I don't have any lipstick on yet because I know I'd eat. "Can you do my makeup?" Brian suddenly asks me and I look at him. "For real? Just as Katya or Katya as Trixie?" I ask him. "Just as Katya, but I want to see how you'd do me." He replies and I smirk at him. "You know I only receive." I quickly reply and he laughs loudly, almost choking on his pasta. "Sure, I'll do your makeup." I say and lean in to give him a kiss. He smiles at me and we just continue to eat, in silence. Peaceful silence.

Once we're done and the dishes are washed we head upstairs. Brian quickly takes a seat on this high bar stool in front of the mirror. I drag the other stool closer to him and grab my makeup. I begin with the gluestick, gluing down the little bit of eyebrow he has left. "Please don't make me ugly." He says with a chuckle. "Well, if you start like that maybe I will make you ugly." I reply, putting the gluestick down. I grab a light shade of foundation and apply it on the bottom half of his face. I do his foundation the same way I do mine, except for the cheeks and the chinstrap. I then continue with the contour. I really make his jawbones pop. Once that's done I do his eyes, a nice smokey eye. "God, you're so handsome." I mutter under my breath. "Are you just saying that because you somehow messed up?" He replies, chuckling as I apply a pair of lashes onto his. "No! Look at yourself!" I say and finish gluing on the other pair of lashes. Brian turns around and looks into the mirror. He gasps loudly and looks at himself from every angle. "I am gorgeous!" He says as he looks back at me. I lean in and give him a soft kiss. He hops off the chair and chooses a nice lip colour before applying it onto his lips. I do the same, using my usual light pink lipstick. "Can you choose an outfit for me?" I ask Brian, who's now transformed into Katya. She walks towards me and looks with me through my clothes. She picks out a sort of pink kimono, paired with some light pink heals and a frilly white denim jacket. I put on my clothes after I put on some tights and my padding. As I glue down my wig and look into the mirror I instantly smile. Katya comes standing behind me in her red, Russian, latex catstuit and wraps her arms around me. "Mother, my girlfriend is a clown again." She softly says and we both laugh. "At least I'm a good looking clown." I say with a wink before turning around in her grip, grabbing ahold of her face carefully as I press my lips against hers. I pull my head back and frown as I see the light pink stains on her lips. "I always forget I'm wearing lipstick!" I groan, making Katya laugh. 

As we're in the car on our way to the club we're performing at we're both really excited. "I can't wait to see Raja again." I say and Katya nods. "And Trinity! That bitch was fierce on her season!" She replies and we both scream like fangirls. After what seemed like forever we drove towards the back of the building and the first we could see is Aja's huge orange wig. "Don't tell me she's doing princess Disastah." I said with a soft laugh. "If she does, it's actually going to be a disaster. Like literally." Katya replied and we both laugh. We park the car and get out. As soon as we get out of the car I hear yelling and see Raja and Manila running at me. "You look fucking flawless mama, werk!" Manila yells at me and I give them both a hug. We walk towards the rest while chatting. "Oh my god! Linda Evangelista!" I say to Aja and she holds her hands above her eyes, looking around. "Where?! I can't see Valentina anywhere!" She replies and everyone laughs. The backdoor opens and we see Ivy. Behind Ivy comes out Jinkx in all of her grace. I scream at her and she screams back at me. We hug eachother tightly and kind of agressive. "Bitch you look amazing!" I say to her and she smiles. "And you don't look a day older than Bianca." She replies, making everyone laugh while I pull a shocked expression. "So trixya is actually canon, huh?" She asks us, as she asks I feel Katya's arm around my waist. I look up at Katya and smile at her before looking back at Jinkx. "This one night stand turned out to be more than that, yeah." I say and she chuckles. "The body has arrived!" A voice yells. "Kimora?" Aja jokes and an angry Trinity suddenly comes running around the corner. "Bitch." She says to Aja. We all walk inside and towards our assigned dressing rooms. "Who put me with Trinity?" Manila asks and Raja raises an eyebrow. "Who am I paired with then?" Raja asks. Katya raises her hand. "Being paired with the daddy of drag is such a blessing." She says and I nudge her side. As I walk to my assigned dressing room I notice I'm not paired with anyone. "Why am I alone?" I ask and everyone shrugs. "Manila and Trinity, me with Jinkx and Ivy, Raja and Katya and you. That's how they're assigned I guess." Aja says and I just shake it off.

"Trixie, you're up with Katya in 5." A voice yells outside of my door. I have just been slouching on my couch the whole time here. "Alright." I lazily drag out. Why don't I have an assigned dressing room buddy? Are they going to prank me? Somethings definitely going on that Kat knows about. I pull myself up from the couch and touch up my makeup for the last time before finally stepping out of my room. "I thought you died." Raja says to me. "I literally have just been laying on my couch from being so fucking bored for half an hour. My own funeral would be more exciting." I reply and she laughs. Katya suddenly grabs my arm and drags me along. "Why the hurry?" I ask as I run along. "We're up in 3 minutes!" She replies and I run a little faster.

"Thank you for coming! And also, don't forget to check us out on youtube! We hope you had an UNHhhhbelievably good time here!" I say and Katya and I both drag out the UNHhhh. I turn around to walk off stage but I suddenly hear Katya talking so I turn around again. "I still have something to say!" She says and walks over to me, grabbing my hand. "So I thought, this dirtbag needed some extra attention, and I've been thinking how I could give her that little extra bit." She drags my to the middle of the stage. My hand is tightly clamped around my mic as my eyes shoot from left to right. "Trixie," She starts. "We've been friends for so long, and even partners for quite some time, right?" She asks me and I nod slowly. "What's better than that? Nothing, you'd think right? Wrong!" She says and turns to the audience who cheer. Then, Katya turns to me again, grabs my hands and gets on one knee. "No! You fucking cunt!" I whisper to him, trying not to get too emotional. "Brian, you're the reason I wake up with a smile, the reason I finally feel at peace with myself, the reason I still do splits in my mid thirties, but will you be the reason for me to always be by your side? Will you marry me?" She asks me and I swallow. "I.."

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