Chapter 13

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Sharon has been living with me for the last 6 days, mostly for my company but also for herself. She can't be alone because she and Alaska didn't have an appropriate goodbye. She's been in drag all the time and really taking up her motherly role towards me. As I walk downstairs after getting dressed I can smell something amazing. I step into the kitchen and see Sharon cooking eggs and bacon, but also facon in a seperate pan. I hug her from behind and she jumps slightly. "Morning!" I say to her and she chuckles. "Morning cutie. Hungry?" She asks and looks at me when I stand next to her. I nod and grab a plate. She scoops some of the scrambled eggs onto my plate and next to them lays the facon. I lick my lips, grab a knife and fork and walk towards the living room, sitting down on my couch. I already start eating when Sharon comes to sit down next to me. "Thwis is delwicwous!" I try to say with my mouth full. "Swallow first before talking, I might be your mom but I'm not cleaning up for you!" She says while laughing. We eat our breakfast and watch some house designing show. Once we're both done I grab both our plates and walk to the kitchen to put them in the dishwasher. "I was thinking, want to head into town later?" I hear Sharon ask. "Sure, sounds fun. I want to get in my drag, though. Haven't done that for ages!" I reply, excitement in my voice.

We're both upstairs and Sharon's laying on my bed, watching me doing my makeup in front of my mirror. I sometimes look over at Sharon and she quickly looks away. I'm not going to lie, there have been 'moments' between me and her at night since we sleep in the same bed. It's not like I feel proud of it, but it's nice to just, get it. Once my makeup is done and I put on my wig, I look at myself from all possible angles and let out a loud moan. "Fuck, I look good!" I say and try to tongue pop, but nonetheless, it again fails and Sharon laughs loudly. She gets off the bed and stands behind me. "You indeed look gorgeous, honey." She says. I get out off my chair and choose an outfit. A tight pink dress, a light pink denim jacket over it and my pink cowboy boots. I love looking like a barbie, I feel my absolute self when in my drag aesthetic. "Ready?" Sharon asks me. I nod and we both walk downstairs. I open the front door and get out, walking towards Sharon's car. She closes the door behind us and unlocks the car with a click. I get in and wait for Sharon to get in. She does so and starts the car. "Want to get a drink first?" She asks as she drives away from my driveway. "Yes please, can we go to Starbucks?" I ask her with puppy eyes and she giggles. "But ofcourse darling." She replies and I give her directions towards the nearest one. As we drive around the corner and Sharon notices which Starbucks it is, she quickly speeds past it and drives to another one. "You know you can't avoid Alaska forever, right? Especially not places where you have memories together." I softly speak. "I know. I just don't want to think about her. I'll see what happens when she gets back. If she even comes back." That last part she said softly and kind of, sad. "She'll come back, right now she probably feels really bad about it. Plus she's not seeing me so that'll calm her down as well." I say with a weak chuckle. "I'm so sorry about how she behaved at the airport. She had no right to almost attack you like that." She exclaims as she pulls into the parking lot at another Starbucks. "It's fine, she didn't hurt me or anything." I reply and get out once parked. "If she did then there would be a bloodbath, almost like someone sacrificed a goat." She says with her signature laugh. We walk towards the entrance and before even reaching it we get spotted. That's the price you pay when you go in drag and are famous-like. We take pictures with them and answer some of their questions before walking inside, ordering our drinks and sitting down in a booth.

We sit there awfully long, multiple people wanting to take pictures with us, even the barista's. I look at Sharon and she's looking at something on her phone. she smiles every now and then and I can't help but smile at her smiling. Sharon looks gorgeous, stunning but at the same time adorable. Her pink wig that she wore in the first episode of season 8 suits her so well. Suddenly I see her snapping her fingers in front of my face and I wake up from my thoughts. "Having some fantasties?" She asks me with a smirk. I grin at her question. "Who knows." I simply say. We finish our drink and throw it away before saying bye to the barista's and walking outside. I inhale the fresh air and stretch myself out. I can feel Sharon yanking at my dress. "It's a good looking dress but don't stretch out anymore, almost your whole ass was out!" She says while laughing and even though you can't see it, I blush. We get in her car again and decide to drive around town, stopping whenever we see something. We stop at taco bell, Krispy Kreme and more, basically just stuffing our faces. "This is so bad." I say as I shove another donut into my mouth. "Hey, we earned this! We're two, hard working housewives!" She says and looks at me. It's silent for a couple of seconds before we both burst into laughter.

Once all of the donuts are gone and I threw away the box we're driving around again. We're singing along to music and I'm surfing on the wind with my hand out of my window. Suddenly the music stops and it changes to my ringtone. I search for my phone and my heart nearly stops when I see who it is. "Stop the car! Park somewhere!" I almost yell at her and she does in the nearest parking spot. I keep the Bluetooth on and pick up the phone with trembling hands. "Hello?" I ask and Sharon's just looking at me in confusion. "Where are you?" The voice on the other end asks. "I'm in town, why?" I reply and I hear some shuffling and eventually a lock click open on the other end. "Meet me at your house. ASAP." The voice says and before I can reply they hang up. I smile widely and look at Sharon, who still didn't figure out who it was. "You hear them, my house!" I say to her and she steps on the gas like her life depends on it. We arrive back at my house and I jump out of her car, running to my front door which is opened. I see Sharon behind me and I slowly walk inside. Once inside I stand still. "Hello?"

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