Chapter 6

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Katya POV

Brian left rather early this morning, kind of nervous and having his phone ready to dial someone. I know exactly who, Sharon. I went back upstairs to lay in bed and roll myself up in my blankets. Brian's words from last night really got to me, and as of now I'm excited again to be on All Stars 2. But his behaviour last night after Sharon's call was really off. After he blurted out that he has feelings for someone, I'll admit, I pushed him, and didn't want to say who it kind of killed the mood. He usually shares everything with me. Or this 'someone' doesn't exist and he's just making something up, or maybe this someone is someone close to us and he doesn't want to get me hurt. I have no idea. All these thoughts are giving me a major headache. I squirm my arm out of my blanket, grab the TV remote and turn it on. Family guy is on, usually I hate that show but right now I'm glad to be watching it, simple entertainment. As I watch it I slowly fall asleep.

I wake up 6 hours later and look at my clock. 5:32 pm. Almost time for dinner then. After a bit of stirring and turning around I jump out of bed. I'm thinking of inviting some girls over for dinner. For the first time ever I'm not sure of inviting Brian. I get dressed properly and head downstairs and start preparing dinner. I send a text to Ginger, Alyssa, Detox, Roxxxy, Adore and Alaska to come over. I also send a text to Bianca because I think it'll be fun for Adore. I start making dinner and within 10 minutes get a reply from Roxxxxy that she can't make it. Alaska replies with a lot of happy emojis and the others just reply with a 'cool' or 'sweet!'. About 30 minutes later my doorbell rings and as I walk to the door to open it Alaska greets me. "Hieeee baby! I haven't seen you in so long I thought you just disappeared!" She says and goes to hug me. I hug her back and smile as we both pull back. "No no, just weren't feeling myself the last couple of days." I reply. "So that's why you and Brian weren't seeing eachother lately?" She says as she walks inside and inhales. "Ooh, pasta!". I raise my eyebrow and decide to ignore her question. "I figured everybody would like that." I say and go back to the kitchen and stir with a spoon in the sauce. 5 minutes later the doorbell rang again. I ask Alaska if she can open it which she does. As the door open I faintly hear a 'Hi bitch!'. Bianca. I smile as Bianca walks in, and after her walks Adore with her usual cute grin. They're both in drag and so is Alaska. I walk towards them and give then both a hug. "Glad you could come, I really needed some company." I say to them. "Oh but ofcourse! Is Trixie coming?" Bianca asks. "Uh, no, she didn't have time, sadly." I say, this isn't true but I don't want to explain what happened. I don't even know if anything happened. It's just weird. She just nods and goes to sit down on one of my couches, Adore follows her and sits down next to her. The bell rings again and Alaska goes to open the door until everyone's here. I dress the table and put down plates filled with pasta and spoons, knives and forks for everybody to choose what to eat with. Everyone takes a seat and we all sit down and start to eat. "Are y'all excited for All Stars 2?" Alyssa asks. "Yes god! I'm happy to be competing with you bitches again!" Ginger replies and I chuckle. "It's not like competing is a thing you'll be doing, honey." Detox says to her and Ginger fake gasps. We all laugh and continue to eat and chat.

Once all done I clean the table and put the dishes in the dishwasher, I've poured everyone a glass of wine and we're all in the backyard sitting and chatting some more. I grab my phone and notice I've got a message from Brian.

Plastic Doll: Wyd?

I smile slightly until Alaska intervenes. "Who's that?" She asks me. "Brian. He asks what I'm doing." I reply and before I can put my phone away Alaska snatches it from my hand and snaps a pic with me, sending it to him. I see him come online and read it before typing.

Plastic Doll: Aw, cuties! Have fun xx

I reply with 'Thanks love x' and put my phone away. Bianca and adore announce they have to go home and everyone replies with an 'ooooh'. "Oh come on, I could be like his dad." Bianca replies with a chuckle. "It's not like Adore would mind that!" Detox almost shouts. I burst into laughter together with Alaska. "Wait! Before leaving!" I grab my phone again and open snapchat. I turn to see everyone and snap a picture. I look at it and Alaska's playfully hugging me. I gasp as I see that Bianca gave Adore a kiss on her cheek on the picture. I turn to them and Bianca winks at me before grabbing Adore's hand and walking to the front door. We all yell goodnight and I turn back to my phone. I hesitate clicking Brian's name because maybe he'll get hurt knowing I didn't invite him. Alaska then quickly taps his name and them the send arrow. "Lasky!" I yell at her. "What? She's with Sharon tonight." She replies. Oh. I frown. "Why?" I ask her. "I don't know, Sharon said they had something to talk about." She says with a casual expression. I lay my phone away and continue chatting with Alyssa and Ginger before I notice a reply from Brian on snapchat. A video of Sharon in the front and a dancing Brian in the back with the caption 'NEVER feed her alcohol again'. I giggle and send one back of just me and Alaska with the caption 'please feed this one more, boring af'. Sharon replies with a bunch of laughing emojis. Right after I get the reply I get called by Brian but I assume it's Sharon. "Your average run-of-the-mill Russian bisexual transvestite hooker here." I say and I hear Sharon's laugh. "Hi darling, can I speak to Lasky please?" She asks me and I hand the phone to Alaska, she stand up and walks inside. I watch her but also look at the other girls, who are also watching her. After about 2 minute she walks back outside and practically throws my phone at me. "I'm sorry, but I have to go, Sharon wants to speak me." She says and hurries to the door. "Why isn't anybody telling me anything?!" I yell at her before sighing and groaning as I lean back in my chair. All the girls laugh but they all seem to want to go too. I let them walk outside and wave at them as they all get in their cars and drive away. I walk back inside and immediately walk upstairs, the mess will be cleaned tomorrow. I get undressed and crawl in bed I check my phone and see that I got another snap from Brian. A picture of him on the couch with kissy lips. No caption, just that. I stare at it until it's gone and then play it again. I smile at it, Brian's so cute. I lay my phone next to me and quickly fall asleep to have Brian's face be the last thing on my mind.

Wake up call [Trixya]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora