Chapter 2

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As soon as I come home I walk upstairs and drop down on my bed, I grab my phone to send Katya a snapchat. I make a selfie of myself, still in drag, with a kissy face, caption it with "Oh honey, I'm home!" and send it. Within a minute I receive one back of her with a filter that when she opens her mouth heart eyes appear with the caption "When will 'home' be my place?" with a smirking emoji. I love Katya so much, I love her dorky behaviour and I'm so glad to have her as my best friend. I send one back of me laying on bed showing the empty spot in my king size bed with the caption "Thought it was my place? Ain't seeing you here honey". I lay my phone next to me and sigh with a smile.

The snapping continued for about 1 hour until my phone ran out of battery. With a feeling of major panic I'm running through my house trying to find my charger. Where did I leave the goddamn thing?! I never ever leave her on read or not open something. With actual sweat running down my forehead I'm pacing back and forth through my living room, thinking where I could've left it. My car! I sprint outside only to find out I forgot my car keys. Running back inside, grabbing them and running back out I unlock my car and in the spot where normally a car lighter is is my charger. I sigh and grab it a bit too enthusiastic. As I'm back inside I run upstairs and plug it in. As soon as I plug it in I get shocked. What the hell? I look at my charger and notice I completely destroyed it. All the tiny cables ripped out. I groan loudly. Is Wall-Mart still open? Probably, but I'm not going out in this. Katya will have to wait a bit longer I guess. I take off all my clothes, makeup and my wig and change into my boy clothes. I head downstairs and jump into my car. Driving way over the speed limit to the nearest Wall-Mart. I park my car and run inside, luckily I know where the chargers are because this happens to me rather often. I grab multiple and head to the cash desk. A really nice lady scans my items. "Issues with your phone?" She asks, I nod. She laughs. "I can see, your forehead is all sweaty. Left someone on read?" She asks with a chuckle and tells me how much it is. I grab my creditcard and swipe it through the paying thing. "Well, yeah. And they get concerned easily." I reply with a nervous laugh. She gives me my receipt and wishes me a good night, I say good night as well and rush back to my car. Once inside I take one out of the package and plug it into my car and into my phone. Yes! It works! I drive back home and let it charge on the way.

As I pull up in my driveway I notice a familiar face standing in front of my door furiously knocking. I get out of my car with my phone and leave the charger inside. The other two I bought I take with me and walk towards me door. "Don't like being left on read, huh?" I say to Brian and he turns around. "For fuck sake I thought you were dead!" He says to me and sighs in relief. "Sorry to disappoint." I say with a joking tone, he gives me an angry look. "Wanna stay for a while?" I ask him as I open my door. "Sure, I don't see why not." He replies as he walks inside my house and instantly walks to my couch and plops down on it. "..Comfortable?" I ask with a giggle. He looks at me and nods with the cutest smile ever. Adorable. I sit myself down next to him and ask him if he wants to watch a movie, to which he replies with an excited yes. We choose a movie on Netflix and watch it.

A while after the movie is over I wake up, only to find out Brian has his head resting on my shoulder. I nudge him to wake him up. He wakes up and rubs his eyes. "What? How late is it?" He asks sheepish. I look at my phone. "12:15 am. I could bring you home or you could sleep here?" I ask, hoping he goes for the latter since I am NOT in the mood for driving. "Hm.. You don't mind me staying here?" He asks while yawning. "Ofcourse not! Are you crazy?" I say to him to which he replies with a smile. I stand up and let him walk before me to my bedroom. I don't have a spare bed, but Brian and I have slept together multiple times. He walks into my bedroom where he inmediately takes off his shoes, socks, pants and shirt until he's left in his boxers. I catch myself looking at him, and he seems to notice but he shakes it off and so do I. He crawls into my bed and so do I. "Brian?" He asks me, I turn to him and raise my eyebrows. "Are you really not mad I'm gonna be on All Stars 2?" He asks me with something that looks like guilt in his eyes. It saddens me, but I don't know why. "No silly, I'm happy you're getting a second chance," I say with a smile which makes him smile as well. "who else is gonna be there?" I ask, genuinly interested. "Uh, Alyssa, Alaska, Ginger, Det-" I cut him off. "Ginger? That cunt that calls you her best friend?" I say with a disgusted look on my face. He bursts into a laugh. "Yes, yes, but calm down. My only best friend is youuuuu!" He says while pulling me into a hug. The skin to skin contact makes me blush, but I do hug him back. "You bet your sweet ass I am. Now go to sleep, we're getting breakfast together tomorrow." I say to him and I hear him gasp in excitement. He then all of a sudden plants a kiss on my cheek. "Goodnight, Brian." He says. "Goodnight honey." I reply.

Wake up call [Trixya]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя