Chapter 1

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Trixie POV

I open my eyes to the sound of my alarm going off. I turn it off and look at the time. 7:00 am. Darn, set it an hour too early. Nothing to stress about though, today is Tuesday and Tuesday's always make me happy. Why? Because on Tuesday I get to record an episode of UNHhhh with Brian. I love seeing Brian, seeing as he's my best friend. His geeky, way over the top behaviour never fails to make me smile. He's probably still asleep though, so I don't see the point of calling him this early. We usually call in the morning and talk about what we're going to talk about or just have conversations about hot guys, dates we've been on or awkward situations that have occured. So I decide to get up and take a shower.

As I walk out the shower, dry myself off and wrap my towel around my waist I think about how I'm going to spend the rest of my day. I haven't planned anything else other than record the episode. Currently I'm not talking to anyone as well so dates aren't a thing either at the moment. I frown, and continue drying myself off and getting dressed. I look at my clothing that I use for my drag and try to decide on what I want to wear. I grab an outfit and carefully pack it in, together with a wig and all my makeup. I don't like changing at home, I'd rather change at the studio. Brian doesn't, he comes in drag to the studio but he likes seeing my routine. Once packed I head downstairs and make myself something to eat. It's currently 9:12 am so I don't have to rush seeing I have to be at the studio at 12. Plenty of time.

Suddenly, right as I'm about to stick my spoon with a mountain of cereal in my mouth I can hear my phone vibrate on the kitchen counter. Without thinking, I drop my spoon and sprint from the couch to the kitchen and quickly pick up without even seeing the name. "Brian speaking." I say rather sternly. "Hieeeeeeee." I hear on the other end of the phone. Justin. "Hey boo, what's up?" I ask him, walking back to the couch only to be confronted with a huge mess. I sigh softly. "Wellllll, Raja, Raven, Sharon and I are going out tonight. Wanna come?" He asks me. It's a really nice gesture, and I love them all but 1, he knows I barely drink, and 2, it always ends up with me being the caretaker. "Ugh, I'd love to come but I don't know if my head will be up for it tonight." I say, biting my finger since I really feel guilty turning them down. "That's okay baby, we'll catch up later this week. Love ya!" And with that he hangs up. I sigh. Sometimes I feel like I'm a drop-out or something. Like, I'm a drag queen, I just don't belong in any of the friend groups. Oh well.

Around 11:20 I put my bag in the trunk of my car and get in, driving away earlier to make a stop at the grocery store to buy me and Brian some Red Bulls and make a stop at Starbucks because honestly, why not? It's 11:53 when I pull into the parking lot at the WOWPresents studios. I take out my bag, my grocery store bag and hold them in one hand as I walk inside with my Starbucks cup in the other hand. And as soon as I walk in my eyes catch a glimpse of her. Standing at the table full with food is Katya, eating whatever. "Can't stop stuffing your mouth for once?" I yell at her causing her to turn around. She notices me and my joke sinks in causing her flailing I'm-actually-dying-send-actual-help laugh to come out. She swallows and comes running at me to embrace me tightly. "Hi cutie!" She yells directly in my ear. I drop my bags carefully and hug her back tightly. "Hey babygirl." I reply and give her a quick peck on her cheek. I pick my bags up again and walk to our shared dressing room. "What's in the grocery store bag?" She asks. "Yeah no I'm doing marvelous! Red Bull, cunt." I reply, and her eyes widen as she grabs one from the bag. "Thank you thank you thank youuuu! I'm sorry. I love you." She says, cracking the can open and drinking almost half of it. "Jesus christ calm down, I need you alive on set." I say, standing behind a little wall to undress and to tuck. Not that I'm ashamed of my body or towards Katya, it just goes faster without her constant distracting. I put on my undergarments and pantyhose and get started on my makeup - Katya's favourite part-, laying it all out in front of my mirror and I get in my chair.


We wrap up the episode and chat with some of the crewmembers. "Nice performance, ladies!" A familiar voice suddenly yells. From around the corner suddenly comes everyone's favorite bald guy. RuPaul. "Ru? What are you doing here?" We both ask. He usually doesn't come to shows that are filmed at WOWPresents. "Well, I'm here for Katya," Ouch. "Katya, I came to deliver you some very special news. I wanted to bring it personal, seeing as you were one of our and a fan favourite. You're gonna be on AllStars 2 honey! If you're up for it." Ru says to Katya, patiently awaiting her response. I turn my head to look at Katya, who's turned pale and literally froze. I tap her shoulder and she comes back to life. "Uh.. Ru, god.. When and where?" She says without thinking twice. Without thinking about me. "You'll be getting further information in the next months. But I assume you're up for it then?" He asks, and Katya nods insanely fast. "Good! I will see you later darling. Trixie." He says, and leaves. As soon as he's gone I walk away to our dressing room, Katya storming in behind me. "Trixie?" She softly says. "Hm?" I reply. "You seem mad. Are you mad? Please don't be mad. I need to do this! I need to prove that I infact CAN wi-" I cut her off by pressing my finger against her lips. "I'm not mad, not at you. Did you see how Ru acted towards me?" I say, pulling my finger back and making a face at the red lipstick on it. Not saying how I think it's inconsiderate not to talk about it with your best friend first. "Well, he did come for me.." She replies and I glance at her. "I mean, bad Ru!" She quickly tries to cover up for it. I chuckle softly and punch her against her shoulder. "I'm happy for you, that you got a second chance. But you better not fuck it up or I'll whoop your ass." I say with a stern look, and she nods.

I give Katya a ride home but on our way home she got hungry so I drove past Taco Bell and ordered everything she wanted, paid, got the food and parked in the parking lot. For some reason I love seeing her eat. She looks like an actual bear devouring a raw salmon. We talk about some stuff and as she's done eating and threw away the remains I drive her home. Once there she gives me a quick peck on my cheek and gets out of the car. "Text me when you're home sweetie!" He yells and I reply with a thumbs up before driving away, to home.

Wake up call [Trixya]Where stories live. Discover now