Chapter 22

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Katya POV

Yesterday and the day before were horrible. Brian couldn't get himself out of bed and the whole two days there was this kind of tension. We haven't heard any news from alaska as well, only that he's still stable. I woke up early today to get a present for Brian, to make him feel better. I get dressed and freshen myself up before leaving the house and walking to my car. Knowing Brian in this position he'll most likely still be asleep when I get back, plenty of time. I get in my car and grab a cigarette. I look inside my pack and frown when I notice half of it is already gone. I light it and start the car, slowly driving away. I'm not even 5 minutes away and my phone rings, Brians name appearing on the screen. It's connected with my car so I answer it without having to hold it up to my ear. "Yes baby?" I say. "Where the hell are you?!" He almost yells and I can't help but chuckle. "Who knows, I can be wherever." I joke. "Brian for the love of god, you aren't fucking leaving me!" He yells back. "What? No! I'm getting you a present you twat!" I reply and it stays quiet. "Oh. Please be home soon, love you." He says and I smile. "Love you too honey!" I reply and hang up. I take the last drag of my cigarette and flick it out of the window.

I arrive at a farm, a nice big farm. Brian would love to be here. I park my car and get out, checking out the huge fields before walking towards what I believe is the front door. I can't see a bell so I knock on the door, a short minute later the door opens. "You're here for the dog?" A nice lady asks me. "Yes! Brian McCook." I say as I shake her hand. She invites me in and leads me to the living room. As I enter it my eyes immediately land on this perfect, fluffy little pomeranian. That's the one I saw and the one I came here for. "That's him! Go on, meet him." I kneel down and he comes running at me. My face lights up and my inner child comes out. "He's perfect!" I say, picking him up and turning to her. I see her smile back at us. "And he's all yours!" She says. He doesn't have a name yet, but I want Brian to come up with one. I hand her the money we agreed on and she helps me move some stuff into my car. A little bed, some toys and food. "Thank you so much, he'll have a great life." I say to her and she nods. We shake hands and I get back in my car, the dog on the passenger seat. I drive back home as quickly as possible, yet being careful. I can't wait to show Brian, he's going to love him. We agreed on getting a small dog. I arrive home and drive my car onto the driveway before getting out, the dog underneath the right side of my jacket so that you can't see him. I walk inside and Brian just comes walking out of the kitchen. "You were gone for like, an hour! What were you doing?" He asks me. I notice the bags underneath his eyes and feel bad. "I told you I was getting you something!" I reply and he seems more exited now. I pull him away from under my jacket and I can see Brian's face light up with joy. "Oh my god, oh god- Brian!" He doesn't know what to say as he takes him over from me, looking at him. He moves closer to me and stands on his toes to give me a kiss. I wrap my arm around his waist and look down at the both of them. "Do you like him?" I ask him. He looks up at me, small, beady tears forming in his eyes. "Are you kidding?! I love him!" He excitedly yells. "Does he have a name?" He asks and I shake my head. "Wanted to leave that up to you." I reply and plant a kiss on top of his head.

All day long have we been playing with our new dog, now named Bax, short for Baxter. I love seeing Brian so happy, I'm glad this took his mind off the whole thing. I'm sitting on the couch watching TV as Brian suddenly joins me, Bax on his lap. I look at them and smile widely. This is like the family I've always wanted. I wrap an arm around Brian and pull him closer to me so that lays with his head against my chest. I plant a kiss on top of his head and he looks up to me. "What's up?" I ask him with a smile as I'm playing with his hair. "I just, really love you." He replies and I smile at him. "Want to go grab dinner somewhere? I don't feel like cooking." He says to me. "Yes! I'm super duper up for that!" I reply excitedly. "I really want to go in drag, though." I say and he nods happily. We get up from the couch and walk upstairs, into the room where out drag is. We both undress and I tuck my junk, Brian doesn't. We choose our outfit and wigs and get started on our makeup. I'm done rather soon but Brian always takes his sweet time. I get dressed and glue on my most expensive lacefront wig. I look in the mirror and strike a few poses. I finally feel like Katya again and it feels amazing. "Yeeeess mama, werk!" Brian yells at me, as I turn around to look at him I notice he's now Trixie. "Ugh, just you with your makeup on can get me hard." I say to her and she scream-laughs at me. "Is that why you tuck honey?" She says to me while laughing. "Perhaps it is, yeah!" I say and turn to look ay myself again. After a short period of time Trix has glued on her wig and put on her clothes. "God, you look stunning." I say to her in a raspy voice and I'm pretty sure that I can see her blush. "Stop it, you bisexual Russian slut." She replies before leaving the room, I walk behind her. Once we're downstairs I squeeze her butt before waking to the front door. We walk outside and towards my car, seeing as Trixie's car is still at Aaron's house. Before we get in I pull her close, giving her a quick kiss. She looks up at me, her now blue eyes looking right through me as I smile at her. I grab my phone and snap a picture as I kiss her again. "What was that?" She asks with a chuckle. "You just watch." I reply and we both get in. Once strapped in I start the car. Before driving away I quickly upload the picture to instagram, caption it with 'Mother, I'm dating a biological woman again.' As I upload it I put my phone away and see Trixie grab hers. She turns to me with wide eyes and a smile on her face. "Baby, that's so sweet! Are you sure now is the right time?" She asks me. I nod and quickly look at her before looking back at the road again. "I'm 100% sure now is the right time, everyone should know, right?" I say back to her. "I mean, Sharon and Alaska, Bianca and Adore and most of the queens who were on all stars two should know, right?" She replies. "I guess, if they're smart enough to think." I say and she bursts into laughter. "You're a cunt! An absolute cunt!" She screams at me and I laugh with her.

We drive for a good while, driving past places looking for somewhere to eat. "Nothing looks good! Ugh!" Trix yells and I can't help but chuckle. "You're right, it all looks dull and boring." I reply and sigh. Trixie her phone goes off and she picks up. I hear her reply with short and exciting answers. She hangs up and turns to me. "Drive to Raja." She simply says. "Why?" I ask her, turning the car around to head to Raja's house. "She has a surprise for us. I guess she saw your instagram post." She replies and I get excited as well. We drive there, both a huge grin on our faces. Trix can't stop giggling and she's making me more nervous. We arrive there and notice more cars in the street than often. We park somewhere and get out. She grabs my hand and walks with me towards Raja's house. Her heels make a soothing clicking noice on the pavement and she squeezes my hand. We ring the doorbell and after a lot of rumbling and soft noises the door swings open and we're greeted with Raja and Raven. "Hey giiiiiirls, looking good!" Raja says to us and we squeal. "Oh Trix, a total, total boot." Raven states and winks at her. They drag us inside and push us towards the living room. They make us open the door to the living room and I can't believe my eyes as Trixie swings it open. A shit ton of queens are standing in Raja's living room and once they see us, start cheering. I notice Trixie tearing up and I grab her hand, giving it a light squeeze. Alyssa comes running at us, giving me a tight hug. "I knew it! I told y'all I knew it! Match made in heaven!" She almost yells at us and the rest.

We spent most of the night chatting with queens who congratulate us and drinking, Trix a bit more than me. I'm standing outside with some other queens, smoking a cigarette. I suddenly feel someone tap on my shoulder and as I turn around I see Raja looking at me. "Hey, thank you for doing this, we really needed it." I say to her and she nods. "No thanks love, I'm glad to be doing this. I always knew you two would hook up, but never when. You two will go far." She says to me and I almost tear up. She's right. I love Trixie so much, I wouldn't trade her for all the happiness in the world. "Though.. She's kind of going too far right now." She says with a chuckle and points inside. As I look I notice Trixie's stealing the dancefloor, dancing. Or well, making an attempt. "Oh dear god.." I mumble and flick my cigarette away before walking inside. I gently grab Trixie's hand and drag her away from the dancefloor, into the hallway. I close the door and watch her slide onto the floor against it. "You should stop drinking." I say to her and she looks up at me. "Carry me." She says and sticks her arms up in the air. I grab ahold of her and she climbs up. Once she's standing she steals a kiss from me. Her lips taste like alcohol, yet still like the sweet barbie she is. "I'm hungry for youuuu!" She slurs out. I sigh with a smile and open the door again, multiple queens staring at the mess that's supposed to be Trixie clinging at me. "We're, uh.. We're going. Sorry! We had a really great time!" I say and some come walking at us. Saying goodbye and that they wish us a lot of luck. Raja gives us both a hug, or at least attempts at giving Trixie one. "Get home well, and text me when she's in bed safely." She says to me before guiding us outside. "Will do, and again a thank you!" I say to her after putting Trixie in the passenger seat. She nods and I get in as well, starting the car and driving away. "You look angry. Are you? You're angry aren't you?" Trixie says to me with a grin. "I'm not angry, silly. I and the others enjoyed watching you make a fool of yourself!" I say back to her and she gasps. I laugh at her almost falling asleep the whole ride. Once home I help her out of the car and walk with her towards the front door. I give her the keys and make her try to open the door so I can text Raja.

K: Finally home, will get her in bed ASAP.

I get a reply within seconds and smile as I read it.

R: Glad to hear! The little babe will most definitely have a hangover tomorrow! Glad you two were here.

She's probably right, Trix will without a doubt suffer from a major headache. She finally clicks the lock open and yells loudly. "YES! WHO'S THE BOSS!" She yells at the door and I rush towards her to cover her mouth. I guide her inside and lock the door behind us. I pull my hand away and see her smirk at me. "What?" I ask her with a chuckle. "Kinky." She simply replies before trying to find the stairs. I blush softly and help her climb them. We finally arrive in our bedroom and Trixie falls on the bed, she's knocked out within seconds. I sigh and laugh, de-dragging before getting in bed. Bax joins me and lays in between me and Trix. I plant a kiss on her forehead before going to sleep as well.

Wake up call [Trixya]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz