Chapter Fourteen

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Mary frowns. "Well I'm glad you're back, Nathan never plays, he just sits in his room." Mary sighs exaggeratedly.

I smile warmly. "I'm here now, so we can play as much as we want too." I say grabbing her hand leaving the room.

"How about I order some pizza then?" Nathaniel calls out still in his room. Me and Mary agree and walk downstairs to the living room.


It was almost nine o clock which meant it was past Mary's bedtime. After ten minutes of telling her to go to bed, she finally did. Mary was only nine but you'd think she was much younger from the way she would act, but it made me love her even more. I couldn't wait to give birth.

I'm taken out of my zone when I feel a slightly painful kick in my stomach, Nathaniel's hand hops off my stomach at the speed of light, scared that he just did something wrong. I laugh. "What just happened? Are you okay?" He asks, with worry in his tone.

I roll my eyes with a grin on my face. "The baby kicked." I say softly.

He stares at me for a few seconds, his eyes weary, before his lips quirk up into a smile, becoming bigger by the second until it turns into a full-blown smile. "No way." He says like an excited child. "Oh my God, Asi." He says with his voice turning soft, he looks down at my belly.

"I'm so in love." He shakes his head.

"With me?" I say playfully.

"You... this baby." He shakes his head. "I honestly cannot wait to hold this child in my arm." He says softly lost in his emotions, he speaks to my belly. "I'm going to be a fricking father, holy shit." He says with his tone getting louder and excited again, moving away from my belly he looks up at me, with adrenaline pouring out of his system

"Calm down." I say with a laugh, mirroring his smile. "Nathaniel Junior'll get scared." I say humorously.

Nathaniel's smile disappears and he looks at me with a straight face. "That's not funny, we are not calling the baby that." He rolls his eyes. "But you think it's going to be a boy?" He says with a smile creeping up on his lips.

I shrug. "I think so." I say in an unsure tone. "What about you?"

Nathaniel thinks about it for a second. "I think it'll be a girl." He nods firmly. "It just feels like it."

I would love to have a daughter, it'll be like having a real life dolly. But it didn't feel like I'd be having a daughter, it felt like there was a small boy in my stomach, especially how hard the baby kicked sometimes.

"Let's bet on it." I raise my eyebrows.

He nods without hesitating. "If the baby's a girl, we get to call her Aasia junior and if it's a boy, I'll give you twenty dollars." Nathaniel nods to himself proudly.

I frown. "What? No!" I shake my head. "I'll give you twenty dollars if you're wrong too." I roll my eyes.

Nathaniel sighs exaggeratedly like a child. "Fine. You got yourself a deal." He says as he shakes my head.

I smile tightly. "Time for bed, I'm sleepy as hell and I need a foot massage, so?" I say cocking my head to an angle and smiling extra sweetly.

"Come on baby, I got you." He says jumping up from the couch and pulling me up. He holds me by the waist and walks upstairs.


"Wake up."

I hear a voice whisper to me beside me, I don't reply. When I don't reply, I feel my body being shaken aggressively. What the hell? Groaning, I open my eyes and lift my head up from my desk.

The Perfect Ending - Forbidden LoveOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz