Chapter 29

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Sans POV
It's been 2 years since (y/n) died and we were living almost happily on the surface. It was because (y/n) wasn't alive that we weren't completely happy. Flowey and I visited her grave that we made in the ruins often. A big (f/c) tree grew next to her grave. I sometimes sat underneath it and talked with (y/n) even though I knew she couldn't hear me.

I never got over (y/n) she was special to me and it breaks my heart (?) knowing she's gone. Toriel told me I should forget (y/n) and move on but I didn't want to. I always hope and wish that she'd somehow come back but it never happened. I would often see (y/n) in my dreams so I like to sleep often.

It hurts that no one understands how I feel but at least they all changed. Toriel became nicer and welcoming, Asgore stopped killing kids and takes care of them instead, Undyne isn't as violent as she was before, Alphys became a little antisocial, and etc. But me, I became depressed and suicidal. I attempted suicide once but my brother stopped me.

So basically thanks to (y/n) everyone changed for the better. Except me obviously. But today might be different, today I saw some guy kill someone and then left. I didn't say anything because I was focused on the soul. It was a determined soul. I thought maybe I could use it to bring (y/n) back. So I took it and went to the ruins. I dug up (y/n) body. Over the years the flowers left her body. I hoped that it would work.

I put the soul in her body. I waited for something to happen but it didn't. I checked to see if she was breathing or something but she was. Soon enough she started coughing and breathing heavily. She finally opened her eyes.


"Yes, it's me princess."

She hugged me and I hugged her tightly. I started crying. Finally I have (y/n) back, I missed her so much and now she's back!

"Why didn't you go to the surface?"

"We did sweetheart."

"Then how?"

"It's not your soul, it's someone else's. I just couldn't live without you, I couldn't be happy without you. I love you (y/n)."

"Oh, I see. I love you too."

I was so happy to have (y/n) back again but the problem was she was really weak. I promised to protect her and never let anything happen to her again. She might have not liked it but it was better this way.

After about 4 years (y/n) regained her strength and was pregnant. We also got married. (Y/n) had twins, one girl one boy. After 2 years we ended up with 4 kids because she had two more girls that weren't twins.

Papyrus got along with the kids well they would always brag about how he was the best uncle in the world and they'd brag about him to everyone. Toriel adopted (y/n) so that she'd have another chance at raising a kid.

Toriel would always spoil the kids. She'd give them pie and candy every time she came over. (Y/n) and I bought a house for ourselves a couple of months after she came back. Asgore and Toriel still fought a lot but they made their relationship work.

Papyrus started dating Mettaton and being nice to (y/n) and I. But they still fought with each other and sometimes I'm in the middle of it. They even fought over me two or three times. It's always about favoritism when they fight over me. I honestly don't have a favorite but they seem to think I do.

Undyne and Alphys started going out a couple of days after I got married. You know the part where the bride throws her bouquet at a random person and that person gets married next. Well (y/n) purposely threw her bouquet at Undyne and Alphys. So maybe in a couple of months they'll get married.

I learned that (y/n) can basically see the dead because she's been talking to air and saying it's Frisk and Chara. I don't really question her about it because I think that it's because she died and was brought back to life. I don't know.

And me, I became that happiest person in the world. Now that I have (y/n) back in my life everyday was never a dull day for me. I loved being with (y/n) and having fun with her. Although life with her was pretty dramatic and funny. She'd like making a scene and being petty.

I remember one time when we were at the store, a guy bumped into her and didn't say sorry. So she fell on the ground and screamed "rape" until he apologized. Everyone in the store was laughing while the guy was looking dumbfounded. It was funny and I never forgot that moment.

I kind of think that it's a bad thing because the kids started doing it. The school would call about it and say it was disrupting the learning environment but we never really cared because they're just kids.

So basically life turned from hectic to amazing for me. I hope this never changes.



Author: shhhhhhh it's okay the potato will explain. You see I didn't really like where I ended the book so I made a new ending.

Readers: oooooh that makes sense.

Author: yes now begone because there is no more book. Also remember to have a nice day.

Readers: baaaaaai

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