Chapter 28

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When I woke up Sans was holding me closely. I blush a little and sink into his hug. Sans moves around and plays with my hair.

Sans was shaking a lot as if he was trying to keep his self together. I think he's still worrying about me, why does he keep doing that, I'm fine. It's just pain.

"So are we going to keep going?" Flowey asked.

"Y-yes." I said.

"Are you sure about this?" Sans asked.


I try to get up but I fall. I try again but slowly this time. I start shaking as I stand.

"Don't force yourself." Sans said.

"I-i'm f-fine Sans."

He sighs then stands up he holds my hand as we walk to the castle. When we get inside I see a long well lit hallway.

"Look it's the final corridor or as Frisk used to call it the judgement hall." Flowey said.

"W-why?" I asked.

"Because it's where Sans judged Frisk in what she did throughout her stay here. It didn't really matter how much LOVE or EXP she had Sans still fought her."

"O-oh." I said.

We walk out, we walk into the throne room and we meet someone standing there watering the flowers that surrounded most of the room. When I saw him he was a goat like Toriel. He had on a red cape that covered his body.

I look at Sans who looked a bit nervous. The goat that I am assuming is Asgore turned around. I felt chills crawl up my spine.

"Oh a human it's nice to see that Sans has brought me yet another human. I wonder if the reason he continues to bring humans here is because he wants me to kill them."

I take a step back in fear.

"I wonder if this one will put up more of a fight than the other one."

"She won't lose to you!" Flowey said.

"That's what we will find out if you managed to make friends with the others you should tell them bye if not follow me."


I follow Asgore into another room. It's the barrier. The fight begins.

Sans and Flowey helped me. We dodge most of Asgore's attacks. I keep using MERCY soon Asgore got tired of me constantly sparing him so he broke the MERCY button. I had to resort to using ACT I tried talking to him and getting him to stop but it did not work. Soon enough I die.

This time I push CONTINUE. I find myself back in the Judgement hall.

I feel a pain coming from my arms. A flower is now there. It hurts I feel like crying.

"(Y/n)?! Are you okay let's stop and go back?!" Sans said.

"S-sans please s-stop. I'll b-be f-fine. I k-know you're w-worried b-but I'm fine."

"I think Sans is right (y/n), we can't stop worrying about you. We just want you to be okay if we go back we'd have a lower chance of losing you." Flowey explained.

"N-no w-we c-can't g-give u-up we c-came t-too f-far t-to g-give u-up n-now s-so let's g-go."

Sans sighed as he walked to the room.

Asgore said the same lines as before and so did we. We fought Asgore again but this time I would ACT most of the time so he'd not break the MERCY button. This time we lasted long enough to get him tired.

He breathed out.

"I can't go on any longer, human you may now kill me."

"K-kill y-you? N-no I j-just want t-to s-set you f-free f-from this underground p-prison."


"Y-yes l-let me h-help y-you. P-please."

He stared at me it was clear he was shocked. He thought about it for a moment.

"Fine human you may past."

"Th-thank y-you."

I felt my legs fail me. I fell to the ground holding myself tightly.

"(Y/n)?" Sans said as he rushed by my side.

He held me close to him. I cried but my right eye tears were blood and not water.

"I-it h-hurts." I cried.

Sans hugged me and kissed my forehead.


"Yes hon?"

"P-please t-take t-this." I said as I gave him my soul.

"No you need that!"

"Pl-please S-sans I c-can't l-live like t-this, g-go t-to your n-new h-home."

"No, not without you, please stay!"

I felt Sans' tears drip on my face.

"You promised!" He yelled.

"I'm s-sorry, I w-was n-never good a-at k-keeping p-promises anyway."

I gave Sans my soul not caring if he wanted it or not. I felt my life slip out my grasp.

"I love you (y/n)." Was the last thing I heard.

"Love..... Too..." Was all I managed to say.

Sans POV
Gone..... She's gone. I lost her and now I have lost everything, she was my everything and now that she is gone I've lost everything.

Damn you (y/n) for being so sweet and kind, mostly determined. Why did you have to break your promise to me? I just want you to stay. Why couldn't you have stayed?

I hold her body close to me even though I know she is no longer there. Flowey rubs my shoulder as he also cries. He holds (y/n)'s hand. Asgore as well holds (y/n)'s hand. I let go of her body then look at her one last time before I use all seven souls to open the barrier. When the barrier opens Asgore picks up (y/n)'s dead body. Suddenly Alphys, Undyne, Papyrus, and Toriel appear. They all look at (y/n)'s dead body.

"This human has sacrificed her life to save us and bring us to freedom she will be remembered."

Everyone had shock and surprise all over their face. Even Papyrus. We all walked through the barrier with (y/n) in Asgore's arms. We're all free just like (y/n) wanted us to be.

Flowerfell Sans x Abused! Neko! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now