Chapter 2

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3rd person
When you woke up you saw Sans sitting next to you so you crawled over to him and started rubing your face on his arm, trying to wake him up. He wasn't waking up so you started meowing. It was at this moment you knew Sans is a deep sleeper. 'Cause, he still didn't wake up so you put your paw on his face. Then he finally woke up. You turned back to your human form then smiled at him. He returned the smile and pet your head, you purred. You blushed a little but you didn't know why. He blushed a little not knowing why as well. Sans started thinking about the dream he had of you and him kissing. (Skeletons have lips now deal with it) He couldn't figure out why though so he shrugged it off. He walked towards the door and moved his hand signaling you to come with him. So you got up and walked with Sans around Snowdin, till you got to Waterfall.

Once we got to Waterfall a weird scary fish lady threw a spear towards me but she missed. "Um... S-sans?" I clawed on to Sans' shirt for comfort and safety. He pat my head. "Sorry kid but I can't help you, you gotta fight her by yourself." I felt as if all the color on my body left me to look like a ghost. "W-what?!" The fish lady threw another one but she missed.

"Sans move before you end up in the same place as this human." The fish lady yelled. Sans then pushed me in front of the lady, then whispered in my ear "I'm rooting for ya, kid." The lady threw another spear towards my head but I ducked.

*Knowing that Sans is rooting for you fills you with determination.

I take a deep breath then four buttons appear in front of me.





I choose the Act button then four more options appear.

*Check *Encourage
*Flirt *Criticize

I choose the check button and it says:

*UNDYNE- atk 50 def 20
*The heroine that NEVER gives up.

I know for sure I'm not going to win so whats the point in fighting I dont even want to fight. Undyne throws 5 more spears at me so I dodge them all. It's my turn so I choose ACT again then I flirt. "Hey quit your stupid flirting and fight like the human you are!" I dont listen and click MERCY then spare. But she dosent spare me back. She threw 7 more spears and one head towards my stomach I close my eyes and wait for the pain but my stomach dosent hurt it actually feels as if somethings pocking it.

Then the poking stops and when I opened my eyes the spear was covered in a red aura and flying towards a stand. When I look around I see Sans' hand in the same red aura. Guess he really was rooting for me.

The fish lady that apparently name is Undyne growled then charged at me with a spear in her hand. I moved out the way. Then ears and tail appeared. When she went to hit me again I moved and when I moved she stepped on my tail so I scratched her face with my claws and she started bleeding where I scratched her. She held the side of her face then looked at me. I hit the mercy button again then choose to run away. So I ran passed Sans then ran in circles.

She chased me for about a minute till I stopped. Then I gathered all my courage and hugged her. I gave her a bear hug so she couldn't kill me. She kept struggling to get out but the more she struggled the tighter I hugged. "Get off of me!" I hugged tighter. "Not until you stop fighting me!" I was surprised she could breath at this point. Then I heard Sans laughing, I know its pathetic but he didn't have to rub it in.

When I look at Undyne she is giving me a death glare so I give her a smile. She sighed then said "Fine," so I let her go and she walks away. Then Sans pats me on the back.

"Nice job kid I knew you could do it." I smile

"Thanks but you didn't have to laugh at me. "

"I was laughing at Undyne not you,"



Fresh: I made this chapter without my main homie cause she was sick and peeps wanted another chapter. Also I was looking at our notifications and I saw that people are already voting and putting this book in their reading list. So me and chica are so happy that y'all dudes/dudetes are liking it also my broseph author came up with an idea for another book. The question is should we write it because if we do updates on other books will take longer. Its your choice. Now Im going sk8ing laterz.


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