Chapter 21

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Sans POV
When we finished eating (y/n) jumped off the couch and ran out the door. When I ran after her I saw she was chewing on Undyne. Luckily she was in her cat form. Undyne tried kicking and hitting her. I walk towards Undyne and picked up (y/n). She tried to escape but I wouldn't let her.

"Sans keep your cat in check!"

"Sorry she just likes fish."

Undyne groaned then walked away.

I laugh when we get back in the house.

(Y/n) jumped out my arms then started snickering.

"Oh so it seems someone did that on purpose." I say teasingly.

"Who did what on purpose? I don't know what you're talking about." She laughed.

"You know what I'm talking about."

"Okay maybe I did maybe I didn't. The world may never know."

I laughed.

"That's adorable kid."

(Y/n) hissed.

"I said adorable not cute."

"It's the same thing!"

"No it's two different words."

"They mean the same thing!"

"Naw it means something else."

"No it doesn't!"

"Yeah I'm pretty sure."

"Then I'm pretty sure if there was/is a school here you would've/most likely failed English class."

"Naw I'm pretty sure I would've past."

"Okay and I'm pretty sure Papyrus is the nicest guy on Earth."

"Naw that's different."

"No it's not- ugh!.......I wuv you." (Y/n) said the last part in the cutest way possible.

I almost died, I know for a fact that I'm blushing. I'm at a lost for words.

"Don't you wuv me too?"

I saw Papyrus stop walking down the stairs. I'm pretty sure he heard what (y/n) said.


"You don't?" (Y/n) started crying.

I tried my best to signal her to turn around. I didn't like seeing her cry. I moved my finger in her circle. She looked confused then turned around. She saw Papyrus staring at her, holding in a laugh.

"No I just wanna be friends." I answered so Papyrus wouldn't get suspicious.

(Y/n) went on the act, by crying. This made me feel a little better about her crying cause they were fake. I hope. I hate seeing her cry.

Just then Papyrus couldn't keep quiet anymore he exploded in laughter. I groan a little seeing he is being heartless. I was in the friendzone with Frisk and it's kinda heartbreaking. I don't even want to know his reaction to someone being rejected then given the silent treatment from the one they loved. Just thinking about it is heartbreaking.

(Y/n) gave me a hug and kissed my cheek. I blush a little. I hug her back. I whispered something in her ear.

"Hey how you doing little mama let me whisper in your ear." I whispered.

She punch my arm and died laughing. (My reaction when writing that 😂)

I fell on the ground laughing. (Y/n) also fell on the ground, holding her stomach.

After our laughing fit (y/n) and I decided all three of us should hang out. If you think it's Papyrus, then where have you been? We obviously took Flowey. We went to Napstablooks house and listened to music. Let Mettaton dress up (y/n). And Alphys made (y/n) drink some chemicals that we have no idea what it did, or does. We didn't see anything strange happen yet. Other than the fact that (y/n) vomited.

I told (y/n) to tell me if she felt strange because I was worried about her. We are watching some anime right now. (Y/n) said it was called Vampire Knights. I was interested in it. I could tell because I couldn't get my eyes of the tv. It was pretty addicting. (Y/n) and Alphys squealed a lot. I'm surprised I didn't go deaf. I swear I saw their eyes turn into hearts every time they saw the Zero guy.

I told them to calm down and they started screaming at me. I was so confused. It wasn't that big of a deal. I'll never understand girls.

Alphys and (y/n) each other tightly and screamed so loud at the part when Zero sucked Yuki's blood. I don't think I'm going to make it out of here the same way I did when I came in.

They kept talking about shipping, and it felt like every episode they changed who they shipped. They had panic attacks and over dramatic moments. (Y/n) passed out on the couch while Alphys told her she'd be fine, and visa versa.

I wanted to watch the show but the drama next to me was too much for me. So I suggested something else. They both looked at each other then yelled:


"O-okay." I said awkwardly.

After 5 episodes I wished I never said anything, because it was worst. They screamed louder and I knew now there are really hearts in their eyes because the hearts looked like they wanted to jump out their eyes. I saw Alphys drooling, and (y/n) squealing.

Alphys suddenly screamed: "WHY CAN'T YOU BE IN MY LIFE?!" (Y/n) screamed: "I KNOW RIGHT!...although I just want to be friend." She mumbled the last part but I heard her. Alphys looked at her like she just killed someone.

"What did you just say?"

"I said I know right?"

"No that last part."

"I didn't say anything else."

"Oh I thought I heard you say something."

"Probably was the show we are louder than it."

"You don't say?" I said obviously.

They shrugged me off. When they looked at the screen and saw the girl jump on the guy. They both screamed and held on to each other.

After about 15 hours (y/n) and I headed home. It was really late. (Y/n) asked me what was my favorite part from Noble My Love. I told her the part when the girl was drunk. It was funny looking at her ride on the guys back. She laughed remembering that part.

When we got home we both went to my room and fell asleep together.

Flowerfell Sans x Abused! Neko! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now