🍋Izuku x Maid!Reader: Dirty Work 1/2

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"Just making sure you don't chicken out." He stated plainly with a knock on Midoriya's door. You rolled your eyes.

"You're ridiculous." The door opened and suddenly you fell under Midoriya's gaze. It was then you understood, and it took every ounce of self-control to not bolt down the hallway.

"Oh..." Izuku said, eyes locked on your figure. "So I guess we're actually doing this?"

"Uh yeah..." He opened his door the rest of the way, allowing you to shuffle inside.

"Make sure you do what you're told." Bakugou quipped in a condescending tone. You looked back at him in exhaustion. "EVERYTHING you're told..." Your eyes widened.

"What did he mean by that?" Izuku questioned cluelessly. You shrugged but had a slight inkling as to the nuance of it. Finally you were able to take in the full nerdgasm that was Izuku's room. All Might from top to bottom. 'Just as I suspected...'

Midoriya felt a little jittery, not sure how a girl would react to seeing his personal space. He was comforted by your next comment.

"Ooh! I have that same poster back at my parents' house."

"Really?" He bubbled with excitement. "I got it at a convention when I was little."

"The one in Tokyo?!"


"I wanted to go to that so bad, but I got the chicken pox. I was inconsolable until mom bought me a copy of it online." You chuckled together before sharing an awkward silence. "So... since I'm here now, do you need me to do anything?"

"Oh uh... I guess..." He rubbed the back of his neck. "My uh... mom used to do my laundry back at home... I know how to do it myself!" He added when he saw you smile at him. "But I haven't gotten around to it yet. I guess I'm still adjusting to living on my own. But I guess that's kind of embarrassing, huh..."

"No, I understand." You said. "A woman's touch always helps." He smiled bashfully at the ground and nodded. "Well leave it to me. I'll make you feel right at home." You gathered his clothes and left for the laundry room, feeling a little special when he provided you with his extra room key.

The machines clunked loudly in the echoing grey room, so loudly, you didn't hear footsteps as they walked up behind you.

"Well damn! Guess he put you right to work. Didn't think that asshole had it in him."

"Ah! Katsuki, you scared me. ...Enjoying the view?" You questioned in a snarky tone, noticing him silently watch you bent over the laundry hamper.

"Tch. Shut up." He rolled his eyes, turning to stroll out of the room.

"WAIT!" Midoriya's voice echoed. He collided with Katsuki on his tear down the hallway. "DON'T LOOK AT-" He entered the room, but it was too late. There you stood, Midoriya's soiled All Might loins in hand. "AAH!" He froze, eyes wide. "Er-uh... those are..." You tried to hold back a grin at the sight of them. 'Oh no! What do I say?! There's no way she'll believe me if I say they aren't mine.'


"Hah! Nerd!" Bakugou teased before exiting, intentionally bumping a flustered Midoriya with his shoulder on the way out. He shut his eyes tightly, face burning brighter than a red Christmas tree light.

"How embarrassing..."

"I like them. It's so YOU." You giggled, trying to console him.

"You're just saying that."

"I mean it." You gave him a genuine smile. "I'm not judging you."

"Whew... That's a relief." He huffed, running a hand through his hair. "I was almost certain that would scare you away."

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