"What's wrong?" Landon asked worriedly, putting his hand on top of mine before the thought of pulling away crossed me.

"I'm, uh... I'm afraid of thunder storms." I rushed out, though it came out sounding like a jumbled mess. I must of gotten the message through, because suddenly he was laughing at me. It made me feel like a little kid, so I acted like one. I stomped my foot and pouted, pulling my hand back and glowering at his direction. I crossed my arms over my chest and growled.

"Bella?" Landon slowly stopped chuckling and I felt his body heat getting closer. He tried to touch my arm but I screamed loudly until he pulled away. This was basically my version of the silent treatment. Now Landon was completely done laughing and instead growling at me in annoyance. This went on a few times before he finally apologized to me.

"Okay, I'm sorry for laughing at you." He sighed, and this time I dropped my arms a let out a huff. Landon was standing beside me when a really loud bolt of thunder struck- and this time I screamed extremely loud. I jumped on his back and ended up choking him as the thunder hit louder and louder. By the time that string of thunder hit rain was beginning outside- and I knew had better get home quick before it started pouring. I tried to force myself to let go of him, but ended up squawking and clutching onto his neck even tighter. Only when he started clawing at my forearms did I detangle myself from his warm body and collapsing into a ball on the ground.

"Bella, I think you'd better sleep in one of the guest rooms tonight." Landon laughed. I didn't reply and sat shaking on the floor. I felt myself being lifted and an alarming sense of calm taking over. I grabbed his shoulders and let him carry me into a room. Landon sat me down on something warm and fluffy, and I immediately recognized it as a bed. Thankfully this room smelled a tad dusty and unused- so I knew it wasn't Landon's.

"Here, it's getting pretty late and I don't think anyone should be driving you in this weather at night. Just sleep in here, as you can tell the thunder isn't as loud anymore so you shouldn't have trouble sleeping." Landon explained, turning around.

"Landon! Hey Landon, wait a second." I called out just as he was about to shut the door. It creaked open suddenly and I began to explain what the problem was.

"Uh, I'm still in my school clothes... And I have my shoes on. Do you think... you could maybe lend me a shirt and help me take my shoes off?"

Landon was silent for so long that I began to blush furiously for asking him something so embarrassing. He only broke the silence when I thought my cheeks would explode from the heated sensation.

"One second."

Landon sprinted out of the room only to return two minutes later breathing a little heavier than before. He took a second to catch his breath before helping me. Landon unstrapped my heels and they landed with a plop on the hardwood flooring.

"Could you- uh turn around while I get dressed?" I asked timidly- not that I would be able to see if he did. I just wanted to trust that for once he wouldn't be stereotypical.

He hummed in response and I felt the satisfactory air whoosh to tell me he'd turned around. I quickly stripped myself of all clothes except for my underwear. Pulling the large shirt he'd handed me over my head, I simultaneously crawled my way under the covers.

"I'm dressed." I sighed, as Landon jumped off my bead. I was almost positive he hadn't taken a peak- I would have felt some change in the stratosphere is that happened. Just as Landon was about to close the door- he said something.

"You look cute when you blush." He blurted, effectively slamming the door shut behind him. I was stupefied for only a second before a goofy grin invaded me. It took seconds before the sleep overtook me.

The wind snapped trees around me like they were merely sticks, the creaking cabin sending chills through my spine. He was close, I could smell him. My eyes had some sort of dingy cloth covering them, and a ripped t-shirt was stuffed inside my mouth. I was aware of an intense pain in my wrist as they were handcuffed behind me in celestial silver. The disgusting smell of my captor and mold overcame my senses, and I begin to cry as he got nearer and nearer. He was humming, a short creepy tune that made my heart hurt at the pain that was to come. Two more meters and he was opening the door as a bolt of thunder hit somewhere close by us.

"Hello precious. Nice weather init?"

The voice was creepy and generally something you would suspect of a cereal killer. It was grovel and sounded like tires on a dirt road. As soon as he spoke I knew of the pain that I would feel.

"Let's get started little one." He laughed. I heard metal on metal as he sharpened his tools.

I had lived this hell a thousand times over.

The blind fold was only gone a split second before the blades slid across my face.

I screamed and kicked as I woke up drenched in my own sweat. My hair stuck to my forehead and the rain had stopped outside. But of course there was the thunder. My breath came out in ragged and short motions as my heart beat faster than a rabbits.

The door to the guest room was randomly ripped open as I screamed once more, the scent of Landon filling me. He rushed to his side and engulfed me, and I let him. His warm body melded to mine for only a short blissful minute before I calmed down. The whole time he was comforting me with his words, telling me how everything was alright and that it was only a dream.

How wrong he was.

We sat in almost silence for five minutes of him stroking my hair and rubbing my back as I hiccupped and sniffled.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Landon asked hesitantly once the hiccups died down. I shook my head no in response and sniffled again. He sighed and tucked me back into the covers before standing up to leave. I don't know what came over me but the tidal wave of confused emotions hit me as he was about to head out the door. Sadness, loneliness, depression, emptiness. Before I could help it I had called out to him.

"Wait.. Landon will you.. can you just stay here until I fall asleep. I don't want to be alone right now." My voice sounded croaky and broken.

He didn't hesitate to pull a object up beside the bed and settle down beside me. I assumed it was a chair as his tall frame was suddenly level with me. I laid down facing his direction and tried to fall asleep.


"Yes Bella?"

"Can I hold your... your hand?"

He didn't answer me and instead wrapped his hand around mine and began humming. I held the closed hands close to my chest and my whole body seemed to curl up to him.

"Landon?" I yawned.


"Why did you reject me?" I mumbled. He was quiet for a really long time as if weighing his answer choices.

"Because you are too good for me, and I'm not good enough for you." Landon finally answered, sounding saddened.

"Really?" I yawned, again. My eyelids started drifting further and further downwards as I slipped into unconsciousness.

"Yeah." Was this answer.

"Landon?" I mumbled.


"Thank you." Was the last thing I manager to utter before sleep won the battle. This time it was dreamless and peaceful. And shockingly warm.

Hey you guys, sorry for not updating sooner. Unexpected trip lol. Anyways you know the drill. Vote, comment, and puh-lease let me know what you think lol.

Dedicated to @DarkFallenAngel12 for always making me laugh. xD.

The Blind Games ✔Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon