Chapter 1

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The prologue

 This story will be told in tom perspective. If you do not know the show Eddsworld, please leave, or you will not understand. I've been working really hard on this story, with school, and family, this is all I've been doing so far. I hope you love the story. Thank you                           *hearts*


  Today was… good, I guess…? I didn't really talk to anyone. I'm like anxiety, destroyer, lover, and awkwardness together. Tord was gone so that’s, great actually. I don't like him very much, after the robot thing, he just disappeared and I never saw him again. And that’s okay, he’s a bad person. I'm glad he’s gone,he hurt us all and I don't want him hurting us again. He's always finding ways to do so.

 Edd was in his room, seeing how fast he can drink some cola, and Matt, was in his room probably looking at himself in the mirror. I think if he could he would date himself. He was full of himself. and Edd just… really loved cola.

  Edd was the leader of us. The first. The wisest of us all. He was the adult of us all, the responsible one. He made sure we didn't die, and when we got into trouble he’d help us. We could tell everything to him. He’s loyal, kind, funny, and everything you could ask for in a friend. That’s why he’s the leader of this friendship.

   Matt is… well, like I said, full of himself. His head is so big, I think if you fell off his ego you would end up in the hospital. Matt likes to look at himself in the mirror. He’d say “anything that show something so beautiful, is not worth getting rid of.” He could fill a mirror museum if he wanted too. But, even if matt is full of himself, he was not the smartest tool in the shed. That's why he was close to Edd.

  Now that Tord was gone, and somewhere off in the world. Edd new favorite was Matt. Now you ask who I am. Me? My name is tom. I'm very smart. I went to a private school and, when I went to the doc. They informed me that my IQ was very high. That’s the reason I went to the private school. I see things before they happened. That’s why I out smarted tord. Tord was very smart himself. I'll admit it. Even though I don't like him very much he was very smart.

  So, now that you know us all, well all the main characters of the story I'm about to tell you. I'm going to tell you of how I got into The Red Army. What is The Red Army you ask? The red army is a top secret military base, that I soon figured out, when Tord was here, there was always this sign. I don't know what it is but it looks like tord’s hair. But, it was made out of blood, all red. In his little laboratory of his there was this other, sign. This paper. With a lot of black words on it, but one sentence stuck out to me. It was in red marker. It said

  The butterflies swirl again, perhaps they have brought along the fireflies, to light up the soul.

    It was a weird thing to say, but also very interesting. Why would he say that…? For who…? Am I jealous? No, I'm not, am I? Wow, this weird feeling in me wants to find him. This feeling in me wants him to be alive. Wants me to hug the life out of him. Wants me to wake up every morning to see his smile. But I can't because I killed him. Or, at least that’s what everyone told me. Before he left edd, matt, and I before all of this red army stuff. When he was, somewhat innocent. Everyone was saying something about a tom x tord, or something like that. Which was stupid, because Every Time someone would mention it around one of us, we would lash out and stomp off to our room. Which was to no use, because we shared the same room.

   I hated tom x tord because who would ship to people that hate each other. What kind of relationship do people have these days. But, also sometimes when he was sleeping, I couldn't sleep, because of my insomnia. I would sit up sometimes to rub my eyes. I would see him, and stare. Wondering what he was dreaming about. Was he dreaming about his future, his Edd, matt, me, and him going on adventures? Sometimes I think if people telling me about tom x tord was getting to me. I think it was getting to my head. Sometimes I wonder if, he was going through the same thing.

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