🍋*Amajiki x Reader: Quirk Experimentation

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"Huh?" He simply blinked at you, and you realized the implications had not yet set in.

"What I mean is... er..." You floundered to find a delicate way to phrase this. "You know how you use your tentacles when you have trouble reaching something?"

"Yeah." He wondered why you had jumped from the topic at hand to asking about his quirk training. 'Am I that bad? Did I really kill the mood that fast?'

"Well... I bet that ability could come in handy in... other situations..."

He pressed his lips together in confusion.

"Like... right now..." A thick silence filled the room before his expression changed. You were almost certain you heard a literal *click* in his brain when the meaning dawned on him.

"N-NO!" He flushed crimson, eyes the widest you'd ever seen them. "No no no no!" Each no cut deeper than the last.

"Why not?!" You pleaded, curious if his objection was pertaining to disgust with exploration or simply a fear of the unknown.

"That's not what quirks are for!" He physically recoiled, and you were afraid that if you didn't convince him quickly, he would return to square one and all of your effort would be wasted.

"Quirks are just an extension of our bodies. Why shouldn't we use them in situations like this?" You tried to not let the desperate panic resonate in your tone. To your immense surprise, he actually contemplated this for a moment.

"It still... sounds kind of devious to me..."

"Oh..." You bit your lip in embarrassment. 'Devious? He thinks I'm devious?' You decided to relent some, lest 'devious' be the defining characteristic of your reputation until your dying day. "So... you don't want to try anything, huh? I... understand..."

As someone who constantly searched for it, Amajiki immediately recognized the disappointment in your voice, and his resolve began to waver. What kind of person would he be to deny the pleas of someone who had been so loving and generous to him? 'It's not like her request would be that difficult for me... I only went on patrols so I've barely used my quirk today... And it would solve the problem I was having...'  He slowly found reason in what he originally thought to be a prospect of madness. Though only one last doubt flickered to his mind before he spoke. He looked down at his hands and a single tentacle began morphing from his index finger.

"So you don't... think it's gross or anything?"

"It's a part of you, Tamaki. How could I think it's gross?" A tiny doubting smile crept to a corner of his mouth, and he slowly brought his lips to your neck for another soft kiss.


"Really?! You'll try it?!" You gawked at him in awe. He nodded awkwardly before shifting back down between your legs.

"You'll tell me... you know... if it hurts or something, right?" Blaring red sirens of panic went off in his head at the thought of injuring you with too much depth or force. You nodded in response.

"Tamaki... You're so wonderful for doing this for me."

The affection loomed around his heart, fueling his small, but still present, adventurous side. He positioned your legs comfortably over his shoulders once more. Even after years of vigorous training, Amajiki couldn't recall a time that his quirk had ever required such sophisticated finesse. He gulped and slowly approached the entrance once more, his hot breath raising goose bumps of anticipation on your skin.

"You sure this isn't... dangerous?"

"I trust you." You attested, trying to put his last hesitation to rest. He slid his tongue in slowly, tormentingly. If you hadn't known better, you would have argued that he was teasing you on purpose. But Tamaki's seduction was much more subtle than that. It always occurred naturally, when he wasn't even trying... like right now for example... His eyes were locked on yours while he moved his tongue down below, analyzing for any sign of discomfort. They were dark and intense, staring, his hair falling to the side and leaving an electric little tickle on your thigh. It sent you reeling, rolling your hips as he resumed his steady rhythm of tongue flicks. Even in such a short time, Tamaki had learned a great deal, knowing exactly which actions elicited a reaction from you and applying it tactically until you were reduced to a panting mess. His rough edges were being sanded down, his skill already becoming polished beyond your ability to handle.

My Hero Academia: OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora