Chapter Fifteen

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(A/N: Haha, Colin, you're going to be so mad at me because I lied to you about the ending. Mwuhahaha, I'm evil.)

Chapter Fifteen

Reaching the hideout in record time, Myles quickly slipped under the board of wood hiding the entrance and ran inside.

The rain had completely drenched him, the storm outside had only grown and lightning flashed through the cracks in the boarded up windows, illuminating the dark hall.

“Cyrus? Oh, good thing you’re back-“

“-we didn’t want you stuck out in the rain-“

“-the power’s gone out, The Lady asked us-“

“-to gather everyone up to make sure they were safe.”

Myles nodded distractedly at the twins who had found him in the dimly lit halls, and, once he managed to catch his breath, he finally spoke.

“I don’t have a lot of time, where’s The Lady?” He demanded, not even bothering to attempt to sound polite, he didn’t even have time for that.

The twins glanced at each other, and, without seeing their faces, Myles could tell by their body language that they were nervous.

“Cyrus, is something wrong-“

“-yeah, what’s going on?”

“Guys, I really don’t have time to explain!” Myles exclaimed, and the twins seemed taken aback by his outburst. “Just, please, tell me where I can find The Lady.”

“She’s in the library…” One of the twins, Jeremy, Myles thought, responded, his tone sounding anxious. “Cyrus, what’s going on?”

“Nothing,” He replied quickly. “Where’s the library?”

Myles hadn’t even known there was a library.

“When you go behind The Lady’s chair-“

“-you’ll find a door, and through it is a-“

“-staircase, it leads up to her quarters, but-“

“-but, if you go down, it leads to the library.”

Myles nodded, trying to think if he remembered the stairs going down when he left, but, he hadn’t even bothered to look when he was leaving her quarters that morning.

“Thanks, I really need to talk to her, so, I’ll see you guys later.”

Hopefully, Myles thought. If everything worked out okay.

Rushing past them, Myles practically bolted up the stairs, taking them three steps at a time, before he finally reached the top and pushed open the large oak doors without knocking.

He moved briskly around the throne and through the door behind it, finding that the spiral staircase did indeed go to a level below, which Myles quickly descended, not quite prepared for what he was about to find.

He had just entered the largest library that he had ever seen in his life, it reminded him of the Beast’s library from The Beauty and The Beast, yet, this library was even bigger than that, Myles was sure it was as big as the whole first floor of the building.

His eyes roamed over the giant towering shelves that stood on either side of the entrance, and then in rows all throughout the library, making room for some tables and couches.

After a moment, his eyes found The Lady seated on one of the couches, her feet curled up at her side, contently reading a book.

Myles thought she had not realized he was in here, before she addressed him.

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