Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

“Myles, hold still, hun, or it’s not going to look the same!”

It had been two weeks since Myles had gone undercover, and, eventually he had to set up a time for him to meet with Sarah, and Cindy, who had to redo his scar, and touch up his hair.

“It’s a little odd being called Myles after two weeks.” He replied, forcing himself to stop fidgeting as she applied the make up to his face.

“I figured it would be, but, it’s all part of the job,” She told him, before leaning back and observing her work. “There, that should work. Now, I’ll just touch up your hair, you’ve got some brown roots coming in.”

Luckily his natural brown hair wasn’t that far off from the dirty blond dye that covered his head, but, if it grew out too much it would be a noticeable difference.

They were in Cindy’s apartment, seeing as it was deemed a stupid idea to do this at the station, just in case Myles had a tracker on him from someone at the Masks hideout.

He was pretty sure he didn’t, but, it was just a precaution.

Along with Sarah and Cindy, Detective Johnson and David had come as well, the two of them chatting on Cindy’s couch, eating some biscuits she had set out, while Sarah sat near Myles and watched Cindy do her magic.

“Sarah, I’ve been thinking,” Myles began, after Cindy started on his hair. “I don’t think I should wear the ear piece and the mic anymore.”

“What? Why? It’s for your own safety that you wear it, Myles.”

“I know, but, these two guys keep following me, they’re suspicious and I don’t want them finding the ear piece or the mic, because, that will blow my whole cover and that’s risking my safety even more, really.”

Sarah frowned, toying with a strand of blond hair as she thought.

“I... I don’t know... what do you think, Detective?” She questioned, turning to look at Detective Johnson for approval.

The older man shrugged his shoulders.

“I think it would be in Myles’ best interest if he didn’t get caught, so, whatever he thinks is best,” Johnson replied, before taking a bite out of one of the biscuits. “If, though, he chooses to remove the ear piece and mic, he should still wear a tracker so we know where he is.”

“Well, I guess a tracker would be sufficient...” Sarah mused, tapping her chin in thought while Myles frowned.

“How well can this tracker be hidden?” He questioned, and Johnson gestured to Cindy.

“Ask her, she’s the makeup specialist.”

Myles turned to Cindy, who began to speak as she dyed his hair.

“Well, I can find some way to hide it in the fake scar, it can be underneath the fake skin of the scar, so that unless someone peels the makeup away, it won’t be found.”

“Alright, if you can do that, it would be great.” He nodded, and Cindy smiled.

“Coming right up, after I finish with your hair.”

Myles nodded once more, and allowed Cindy to get back to work, while he explained to Johnson and David all the things that had happened at the hideout, though, he avoided mentioning where it was, as, he was afraid Sarah would act irrationally.

If she knew where the Masks were located, she might send a SWAT team to kill everyone, but, then again, she’d figure out where the hideout was soon enough, if Myles wore a tracker.

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