Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

The fire escape groaned under Myles’ weight, combined with the six other males.

He was the last one climbing up, and he didn’t know how long the old metal escape system would hold out after letting six others up first.

“Couldn’t there have been an easier way to do this?” Myles questioned, grumbling under his breath as he made it to the top platform, which was outside the window leading into the kitchen of the woman’s apartment.

“What, did you think we were going to just walk through the front door-”

“-and be all like ‘hey, we’re here to murder you now’ all casually-”

“-don’t you think this is more subtle?”

Myles frowned, suppressing a sigh as he stood next to the twins as Riley stood next to the window, placing one of those circular glass cutters on the window, the ones that you usually only see in movies, and using it to cut a whole through the glass.

He removed the small glass hole before reaching through it and unlatching the window, then, pulled his hand out and allowed Colin to pull up the window.

“After you.” He offered dryly, standing back and allowing the others to enter first, Myles hesitating before he climbed through after the twins, Colin and Riley entering last.

Riley slipped ahead of everyone, it seemed he was going to lead the group through the apartment.

Myles looked around as they snuck through the house, he noticed there were a few kids toys around, and he saw some family pictures that showed this Leanne woman and her family, her mother, father, and two little brothers, who Myles assumed owned the toys.

He felt a sinking feeling in his stomach, he was helping to take this woman away from her family, he didn’t know what she had done to deserve this, yet, she was being punished.

Even though he was doing this to save others from being killed by The Masks in the future, he didn’t think a single person should be sacrificed to save others, it wasn’t fair.

No one should have to die, yet, Myles could do nothing to prevent it.

“Getting cold feet?” Max questioned him, his voice barely above a whisper, and, in response, Myles quickly shook his head.

Max’s eyes revealed he was smiling, he probably figured Myles was scared, but, just too nervous to admit it, or, he just didn’t want to seem like a coward.

Though, Max remembered his initiation, and, he knew how Myles felt.

Riley pushed open a door in the hall, and, as Myles peeked in, he could see that the bit of light from a streetlight that shone through the window was illuminating a young woman sound asleep in her bed, not in the least bit suspecting it would be the last night she’d ever live.

The twins moved quickly, each of them taking up a position on one side of the bed while Myles followed Colin and the others.

Charlie pulled out a strip of cloth, one that Myles knew would be used to prevent the woman from screaming, and leaned down to gently press it over her mouth.

She didn’t wake up until he tied it and pulled it tight, causing it to slip properly between her lips and fully gag her.

She bolted up, which allowed Jeremy to tie her up with a rope to prevent her from moving.

Leanne started crying, her tears falling over the gag in her mouth as she sobbed, and, while this didn’t seem to faze any of the others, Myles’ heart was racing and he could barely watch.

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