Chapter Five

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  • Dedicated to two boys in my class, whom I used their names for Myles' alias.

Chapter Five

“Do we really have to do this in the women’s washroom?”

To say Myles was unimpressed at his current location as he sat in a chair with Sarah coating his hair in dye, would be an understatement.

“Hell yes, there’s no way I’m going in the men’s washroom.” Sarah replied, running her fingers through Myles’ hair.

“Ugh, you’re so difficult.” Myles grumbled, earning a swat on the head from Sarah. “Remind me again why I have to get my hair dyed?”

“Because this ‘Woman of Masks’ person has seen you, and if you’re going undercover by yourself - which I still don’t agree to, by the way - than you need to be in disguise.”

“For one, it’s ‘The Lady of The Masks’ and two, do I look like I care what you agree to?” Myles replied smartly, earning another smack from Sarah.

“You know, I could just dye your hair purple if I wanted to. You should have more respect for me, especially when I have your hair in the palm of my hands. Literally.” She snapped, and Myles chuckled lightly.

“Just because you’re a professional bottle blonde, doesn’t mean I trust you with my hair.” He smirked, and Sarah gave him an astonished look.

“My hair isn’t dyed! I’m naturally blonde!” She defended, causing Myles to grin.

“Sure you are.” He smirked, even though he knew she was naturally blonde, he still enjoyed to wind her up, it was his favorite pastime, after all.

“I am!” She whined, and Myles turned his head to look up at Sarah, giving her a cheeky smile as an evil idea came to his head.

“But, Sarah, it looks like you have dark roots...”

Myles gestured to Sarah’s roots, which were the same shade as the rest of her blond hair, though, Sarah’s eyes widened and up went her hands to grab at the roots of her hair.

It was only a few seconds later that she realized what she had done.

Glaring at Myles, who was laughing hysterically, she lowered her hands, which had dye covered gloves on them, from her blond hair which now had dye in it.

“You are such a... a bastard!” Sarah hissed, tearing off the plastic gloves and throwing them into the garbage can, glaring at Myles, who was still laughing.

“Relax, Sarah, you’re dying my hair blond, and you’re blond, so nothing is going to show up in your hair!” Myles chuckled lightly. “Lighten up, Watson.”

Sarah took a deep breath, crossing her arms, her expression lightening as she came to the conclusion that nothing would be happening to her ‘precious’ hair.

Smirking, Myles glanced around at his reflection in the mirror, making a slight face at the way his hair looked while it was full of dye.

“How long does this have to stay in my hair?”

“Well, usually half an hour, but, its been in there for a while already, so, we can probably wash it out now.” Sarah replied, grabbing Myles’ arm and yanking him abruptly off the chair.

“Careful, blondie.” Myles teased, earning another smack. “Would you stop hitting me?!”

Sarah crossed her arms across her chest and narrowed her eyes at Myles.

“No. Now shut up and get over to the sink.”


“What’d you think, sir?”

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