Chapter Three

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  • Dedicated to David Kilmury

Chapter Three

Placing his laptop computer on his desk, Myles sat down in his chair and plugged the USB drive into the port on the side.

Sarah leaned against the arm of his chair, a little too close for comfort, though, Myles said nothing, as his attention was focused on the screen of his computer, waiting for the files to open and tell him what was on the device.

Instead, an audio file popped up, opening without asking permission, causing Myles to quickly unmute his computer, immediately hearing static.

“This better not be all static.” Sarah complained, causing Myles to glance up at her, annoyance in his light blue eyes.

“Well, if it is, its your fault that its all we’ve got.”

“You’re not going to let that go, are you?”

“Do you expect me to?” Myles countered, a scowl set on his face while Sarah nodded slowly in agreement.

“I suppose not.” She replied slowly, and Myles sighed before his eyes flickered back to his computer as a soft, melodic voice sounded, one that instantly captivated Myles.

“Good evening, detectives. I am The Lady of The Masks, the leader of The Masks, the leader that you’ve been searching for.”

Myles blinked, before a smirk settled on his face, he knew that The Masks had a leader.

“I must congratulate Detective White, on figuring out in the first place, that The Masks were not capable of committing such tedious deeds without leadership. So, now, as a reward, I am - somewhat - revealing myself to you.”

“She sounds insane.” Sarah spoke up, her eyes narrowed at the computer while Myles chuckled lightly.

“She most likely is, Sarah, she’s a murderer.”

“I guarantee you two, I am not insane.”

Myles and Sarah both jumped, staring at the computer as the voice laughed softly, sounding innocent, yet, with an evil seductiveness to it.

“Yes, detectives, I can see and hear you.” She informed them, causing Myles’ and Sarah’s eyes to quickly search the room. “Don’t waste your time, detectives. You wont find anything of use, they’re too cleverly hidden.”

“What do you want? Why are you committing these murders?” Myles questioned slowly, once he had found his voice.

“What I want? I really want nothing, darling. I’m enjoying watching you struggle to locate clues and figure out the reasons behind our acts. Its entertaining.” She laughed lightly, causing Sarah to sneer in disgust.

“You’re sick!” Sarah snapped, shaking her head. “We’re not playing your sick little game.”

“Oh, but, you don’t understand, you already are.”

Myles frowned lightly, before noticing the USB drive was blinking slightly.

“As for the USB device, well,” She chuckled lightly. “We can’t have anyone trying to track it, or locate Riley’s fingerprints from it, or my own. So, I suggest you remove it from your computer and away from yourselves, as soon as possible.”

The device started to beep softly, and Myles’ eyes widened as he quickly tore it from his laptop and threw it across the room, where it exploded before it even hit the ground.

Myles recoiled, bracing himself, while Sarah ducked behind him.

After a few moments, Myles slowly lowered his arms and blinked at where there was no longer even a single trace of the USB, and at his computer, which was void of the audio file it had just been playing.

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