Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

Sarah leaned against the railing of the fire escape, her eyes sad.

She was staring at another victim, once again, same as the others, strangled, positioned like a doll, and sporting a intricate masquerade mask.

As much as Sarah hated to admit it, she already missed Myles.

She wasn’t sure if she just missed him because she knew she couldn’t solve this case by herself, or if she actually genuinely missed his company.

“What’s your thoughts on this, Sarah?” Johnson questioned, glancing at Sarah, while David did the same, before looking back at the body of the young woman.

“I don’t know,” She frowned, reaching up to rub her temples. “I’m too worried to think.”

“Worried about Myles?” David piped up, and Sarah shot him a look.

“Don’t worry, Sarah. I’m sure he’ll be fine. Why don’t you try and get in contact with him?” “Johnson suggested, and Sarah nodded her head slowly in agreement.

“Yeah, sounds like a good idea.”


Myles had woken up early, yet, despite that, the six others he shared a room with were already gone.

He had replaced the mask on his face and jumped down from the bunk before leaving the room, wandering to the washrooms to freshen up before he decided that exploring wouldn’t be a bad thing to do, try and find a possible escape route, maybe?

Just in case, you know.

As Myles was walking through the halls, the ear piece in his right ear cackled to life.

“Myles? Can you hear me?”

“Yes.” He replied calmly, glancing around for anyone near him.

“Okay, you can answer yes or no, is there anyone around you?”

“No, it’s fine.”

“Oh, alright. Good. So, what’s happened so far?”

As Myles explored the corridors, he explained to Sarah what had happened the previous night, occasionally going silent as another Mask walked by, or came within hearing range.

“So, you actually danced with The Lady of The Masks?”

“Yes, I did. Well, I didn’t know it was her, at first.”

“I’m surprised she didn’t try to kill you.”

“Well, she didn’t know who I was, and, she knew I didn’t know who she was.”

“Yeah, guess you’re right. What happened next?”

“She requested to speak with me, and a few of the others privately.”

“What about?”

“My... initiation into The Masks.”

Sarah was silent for a moment, Myles knew she was dreading finding out exactly what this ‘initiation’ was, as much as Myles had dreaded it.

“What was it?”

“You already found the body of Leanne, yes?”

“Oh my God... Myles, you didn’t... she made you...?”

“No, she didn’t make me kill her... I just had to go along and... see how it was done and like, help out, I didn’t kill her.” Myles spoke quickly, and he could hear Sarah sigh in relief.

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