Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Myles was having a hard time.

He remained seated at the piano long after The Lady had left, his mind was simply too muddled for him to contemplate doing anything other than remaining still.

Being honest with himself, Myles knew that he was no good with feelings, whether it was figuring out someone else’s feelings, or figuring out his own, he was terrible at it.

Though, he knew he felt something when he was around The Lady, or even when he thought about her, it was this strange feeling and he simply couldn’t figure it out.

Closing his eyes, he let the memory of her melodic voice run through his head, before he pushed the piano bench back, hesitating for a split second before he heaved himself up, glancing out the large windows on the one wall, overlooking the Bronson City skyline.

He approached the large window slowly and crossed his arms, staring thoughtfully over the skyline as he tried to figure out his own emotions, which, was really easier said than done.

It was a while of simply thinking, before a thought crossed his mind, causing his eyes to widen in shock.

“No… no, it couldn’t be that…” He muttered to himself, a sinking feeling settling in his stomach. “That’s… impossible.”

Myles shut his eyes tightly, gently biting his lower lip as he tried to get the thought out of his head, but, it was deemed a useless attempt.

“No! I can’t… I can’t be…”

Myles couldn’t even bring himself to say the word.

The emotion that had crossed Myles’ mind as he searched for an answer was a simply one, yet, one that he found the dreaded most of all.


Was he in love with her?

No, he couldn’t even think like that.

“God dammit,” Myles snarled, his fists clenching as he refrained himself from punching the window and most likely shattering the glass, which The Lady would not be too happy about. “I can’t be in… in love with her, that’s crazy!”

Yet, as crazy as it seemed, Myles couldn’t fight off the sinking feeling that it was true.

With a heavy sigh, he slumped down onto one of the black couches, resting his head against the back and closing his eyes.

He was a detective, he was undercover, trying to stop this woman from committing anymore murders, stop her from dragging homeless teens and adults into her gang to help her commit these merciless crimes.

But, no, his heart was leading him in a different direction, one that Myles knew was morally wrong, yet, he couldn’t stop it.

“This is stupid,” He snapped, his voice a low mutter. “This is all ending soon. She’ll be locked up, all of this will be stopped.”

His voice wavered, and he pressed a hand to his forehead.

He knew that, as much as he felt he had to, he couldn’t let her get hurt, he couldn’t let Sarah of Detective Johnson or even David lay a finger on her.

“I hate myself. I hate myself so much right now.” He grumbled, dragging his hand down his face before running it through his dyed hair in an exasperated motion.

Digging into his pocket, Myles’ fingers found the folded piece of paper that Sarah had slipped into his pocket the night previous, and that thought was enough to jar him and cause him to push himself back up onto his feet again.

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