Chapter Eleven

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(A/N: Took a while to update... sorry about that :/ I really, really need to get a new laptop, seeing as this one crashed on me and I lost most of the end of this chapter and then had to rewrite it *sigh* but, I did it, and, looking at what I planned, the end is near. The book is not going to be that long chapter wise, but, I think its a decent size. Anyways, enjoy!)

Chapter Eleven

“Well, how does it look?”

Myles had been standing patiently in The Lady’s throne room, waiting for her to return from her quarters where she had been changing into the new outfit that Myles had gotten her.

At the sound of her voice, he turned around, and, couldn’t help the breath of awe that escape his lips beneath his mask.

“You... look amazing...” He complimented, and The Lady smiled beneath her mask as she walked over to stand next to him.

Before Myles could say anything else, there was a knock on the door.

“Enter.” The Lady called, and the door opened to reveal Jeremy and Charlie, who were both in suits similar to Myles’, as the two would be joining them, along with Colin, Marcus, and Max.

“Oh, well, would you look at this-”

“-M’lady, you look simply stunning-”

“-absolutely gorgeous, really-”

“-no one prettier in the entire world.”

Myles smirked, shaking his head while The Lady laughed lightly.

“Thank you very much, boy, you two are simply so charming,” The Lady told them graciously. “Will you be joining us for our night out?”

“I believe so, M’lady, unless-”

“-we’re not wanted, of course.”

“Oh, don’t be silly, of course you’re invited, I believe Colin, Marcus, and Max are as well. I would have invited Riley, but, he’s a little young to drink.” She mused, and the twins exchanged looks.

“Imagine, the little tyke drunk off his rocker-”

“-maybe he’d loosen up for once, am I right?”

“Riley’s just very cautious,” The Lady told them, to which they shrugged. “But, let’s not waste time now, let’s go out and enjoy ourselves.”


The twins were in charge of finding someplace that they could go without being questioned for wearing masks, or getting arrested.

Apparently, the twins went out clubbing rather often, and already knew a spot where The Masks were welcomed with open arms.

It was called the Ace of Spades Nightclub.

When Myles and The Lady had questioned the boys about how they knew this place, it turned out that the two of them were quite the ladies men, something that caused Colin, Marcus, and Max to start laughing.

Myles wasn’t sure how women could be interested, not being able to tell the two apart, but, he figured he didn’t know enough about how girls thought to try and figure it out.

He also didn’t know how well the boys were with women, so, he didn’t voice his thoughts.

When they arrived, the club was already packed with all different types of people, a lot of which Myles recognized from wanted posters at the precinct, such as wanted prisoners, escapees, mobsters, prostitutes, and a variety of other different unique individuals.

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