Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Riley sped down the streets, splashing through puddles as the rain continued to fall heavily on his small figure, disguising the tears that fell from his eyes.

He had been demasked, that was forbidden, the punishment was none other than death and Riley really didn’t want to face that.

Yet, he had not considered running.

It wasn’t because he knew they’d hunt him down if he tried to run, no, it was because even though he was only around eight years old, Riley had pride and knew he had to face his punishment for failing The Lady’s orders.

Wiping his eyes and sniffling lightly, he reached up to adjust the ribbon that held the mask to his face, the one that had been torn by that awful female detective.

The one that had caused the soon death of this young boy.

It made Riley feel somewhat better about his soon to be execution, knowing that the woman would have his death on her hands to haunt her.

Slowing to a walk, his breath coming out in small pants, Riley leaned against the wall and tore off the mask, shoving it into the large front pocket on his baggy sweater.

Reaching up to bury his face in his hands, he tried to take a steady breath and relax.

He found that it was easier said than done, which was honestly to be expected of a kid that knew as soon as he went home he’d be killed.

Riley remained against the wall in the alley for a long time, before his body became tense as the sound of police sirens echoed from the main street, causing Riley to drop his hands, pulling the mask from his pocket and replacing it on his face.

Taking off down the alley, his heartbeat quickened when he heard a car screech to a stop at the mouth of the alley, before footsteps began to follow him.

Glancing over his shoulder, he saw a few police officers at the mouth of the alley, talking quickly, before one noticed Riley’s retreating form and quickly shouted to his partners.

Picking up his pace, he ran through the maze of back alleys, hoping the cops weren’t as fast as him, and that they didn’t have his exit covered.

He was almost to the exit, where, unknowingly to him, officers were waiting for him, when arms shot out from the doorway of an old building and pulled him quickly inside, hands covering his mouth as police officers ran past the door, oblivious to the hiding suspect.

Whoever it was that grabbed him, closed the door of the building before setting Riley down on the ground, leaving the young boy to spin around.

The three older boys, nearly adults, were ones Riley recognized immediately, even though their faces were covered by masquerade masks.

“Colin? Marcus? Max? What are you guys... how did you know-”

“We didn’t know,” Colin interrupted him, shrugging his shoulders. “We were hanging out here, and we heard running, and I looked out and recognized you hurtling towards an ambush.”

“Ambush?” Riley repeated, frowning.

“Yeah, there are cops all around, looking for you.” Marcus nodded, and Riley frowned beneath his mask again, looking around the old building as his heartbeat slowed, before he turned back to the older boys.

Colin was the leader of the three, beneath his mask and hood he was pale, with short auburn hair and dark blue eyes. Marcus was a dark skinned boy with cropped black hair and brown eyes, and Max was Colin’s brother, pale, with shaggy auburn hair.

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