"Louis !!" harry shouted , completely mad the moment he brought Niall into whatever the shit that was going with him. The small lad is a sensitive topic to him and he was seeing red.

"No , Harry . I rooted for your arse. I rooted for your guys , made the whole slave bet fiasco because I thought you two are meant for each other" Louis rambled almost shouting his words. He was so confused and pissed at Harry for being a legit brat and make Niall sad and break his heart.

You don't know anything –" Harry gritted out completely done with him , clutching his fist tightly trying to hold himself as he was two seconds away from punching his own friend.

Same could be said for Louis before ,but now he had a smirk on his face as he saw Harry's posture change. He looked him up and down , and decided to agonize him , hopefully that will push him in the right direction

"I didn't know you would turn out to be a pussy"

"You! You're done!" Harry screamed at him , clutching Louis' jersey bringing him forward but Louis pushed his hand away , straightening his jersey as the two looked eye to eye , Harry with a deep angry scowl on his face while Louis sporting a wide smirk as he said ,

"No ! You are , he likes you so much ! And what do you do ??!"he screamed making Zayn sigh beside him but he was also looking at Harry , waiting for some kind of explanation but all they got from Harry was ,

"It is not your business"

Louis scowled at him , shoving him away by his chest as he was completely done by him "You go and be a douchebag !"

"I said it is not your business ! Fucking stay out of it!" Harry shouted back.

"Ohhhhh......It is my business when my bestfriend is involved" Louis screamed back at him , pointing finger at him as he put Harry in his place , how dare he talk to him like this and how fucking dare him to treat Niall as if he was a last night's drunk mistake.

"That's enough both of you!"Zayn interjected pulling Louis away from Harry as both the guys were standing toe to toe now and seconds away from a fight, knowing very well this is not going to go anywhere but downhill and both of the guys are going to either regret it or lose their friendship.

Louis scowled at him shoving his hands away from him stumbling a little back , looking right at Zayn "You got to be shitting me here Malik. You saw how Niall is , bawling his eyes out .." he paused pointing at Harry , his eyes on Zayn as he argued "and look at this fucker! Talking with that bitch of his , Amy!"

"You Bastard !"with that Harry jumped on him about to punch him straight in the face at the horrible accusations made on him but Zayn pulled him back on time , shoving him back and was about to talk but Harry lunged forward again and shouted , furious

"Louis stay the fuck away!"

Zayn closed his eyes taking a deep breathe as he realized nothing was going the way he wanted to and everything is just going to go to south. He put his hand up and screamed making both the boys look at him , cutting off their stare game

"Okay both of you fucking stop !" he then turn to Louis and requested him to back off " Louis please-

Louis nodded knowing you should never mess with Zayn when he looks so done and completely serious . but that didn't stop him to make a dig at Harry

"Oh I will !! And that's exactly what I am doing !"

And with that he ran away , from the field , from them removing his shirt and taking up his duffle bag as he jogged back to the school building.

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