Welcome to Tokyo (T.H.) p3

Start from the beginning

Tom licks the bottom portion of his lip, slightly smirking and looking at the ceiling. The top of his forearms sit on top of the large rope and his hair seems to be curlier than usual, or maybe I'm just now noticing it.

"I'm fine."

My feet move closer towards Tom and he doesn't even flinch one bit. His smirk just grows bigger.

"No, Thomas, you will go back to your home and sleep. No more working out, no more annoying brother and best friends, just you and your bed." My finger forcefully pushes against the top of Tom's chest, but he doesn't budge. He never does.

"How about you, me, and my bed?" now he seems to be testing the waters. Tom's head leans closer towards my face, the smirk never leaving. It probably won't too.

"How about," this time I inch closer towards Tom, "no. Go. To. Bed."

Everything after that seemed to move very fast. At the same time, my lips and Tom's lips touch. I'm just glad it finally happened. After everything we've been through, I think a kiss was well deserved.

"Please, just come back to my place, I need someone to help me fall asleep." Tom whispers against my lips. He's such a sneaky son-of-a-bitch that I seem to have fallen for. I can't help it though, his puppy dog eyes are irresistible.

We drove separately back to his place, since we each took a car to get to the gym. Tom got to his place quicker than me, plus I also took a pit stop to my flat to brush my teeth and grab a snack. Tom literally has nothing good in his fridge.

I let myself into his home and sat on his couch while I waited for Tom to be done with his shower. I didn't want to say anything to him, but he really did smell bad at the gym. Like, really bad.

It is at least twenty minutes before Tom is done in the shower, then another five until I see him in sweat pants and a loose shirt. His curls were falling just over his forehead, as they were at the gym, but his hair color got a light red tint tint to it. Almost like Paddy's hair, but a lot darker.

Tom didn't say anything as he walks over to me. He sits two seats away from me on his couch, then leans over and rests his head in my lap. My hand immediately reaches up to his hair, brushing back the curls over and over again.

"How am I going to get you to fall asleep the quickest?" I quietly ask him, my hand never leaving his head. He seems to like it though.

With his face against my leg, I can feel him yawn, then snuggle closer to me. If that was even possible. "Watching old reruns of Love Island," Tom pauses, "and a goodnight kiss?"

"That's a bit of a stretch, Caterpillar," I laugh. He laughs too, but I can tell he really means it. Instead, I push back his forehead curls and give him a long kiss there. He will have to work up to another full kiss.

For the next month, yes, next MONTH, this is what Tom and I have been doing. I wouldn't exactly call it sneaking around, but hiding in plain site. Also, none of our friends even ask about what we've been doing, so we aren't lying to them either. I could tell Haz has been getting a little questionable lately, but Tom didn't seem too fazed by it.

We aren't exactly dating, but we aren't single, if that makes sense. We would spend late nights cuddled right up against each other. Kisses are shared between us in the most random times together when we are alone. I've even fallen asleep at his flat, then wake up the next day to breakfast made by the man himself. Sometimes he makes me his famous raw egg protein shake, which is actually disgusting.

Tonight, the new season of Love Island began, so naturally, Harrison had to watch it with Tom. Then they thought Harry would really like the show too. And Tuwaine. Also in the mix of things, the four of them kidnapped me from my own home so I could be there to watch the show with them. Harrison promised me cookies again.

The show starts with all of us sitting on the couch. Five minute later, Harrison is closest to the television, Harry is squealing from the floor, Tom is laid down across the couch where Harry was sitting, Tuwaine moved to the recliner chair so he sat by himself, and I'm sitting in the same spot. A couple times, I jumped from my seat and yelled at the show, but other than that, I teased Haz for staring at the girls on the show. Harry is staring too, he just does better at hiding it.

Tom's toe poked me in the side, and it continuously poked me until I looked at him. His lips are big and pouty, his damn curls are falling over his forehead, and he has such big, brown chocolate eyes. Dang, this boy is like a drug I can't stop taking.

Without thinking, I crawl in front of Tom's body as his arms wrap around my waist. Then his lips come in contact with my forehead.

Everyone in the room stops talking and looks over at us, and it scared me. It scared me so bad I fell off the couch, almost landed on Tessa, and made a screaming dog noise.

"So," Harry starts off, smirking at me and Tom with his arms crossed over his chest.

"When were you going to tell us?" Harrison finishes, also crossing his arms and smirking.

"Well to be fair, we aren't actually dating," I tell them, still from the floor. It is too much work to try getting up, I'm also really tired and can't be bothered to get up.

"Hey, Y/N," Tom calls from the top of the couch, "you wanna be my girlfriend?"


I'm seeing Ant-Man and the Wasp again today, yay !!

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