Chapter 14

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*Hazel's POV*

After the party I packed up my stuff and walked home. As I was walking I started to think about the party.

Bryan and I kissed and he liked it and I liked it. I think I like Bryan. Or I'm not sure. Or I'm positive I like him. But that doesn't mean he likes me back. He was drunk. He'll forget it all happened tomorrow. And it was a dare. It doesn't even matter anyway.

I got home and saw Terrence sitting on the couch looking at me. "How was the party?" He asked. "It was good." I said suspicious. "Really? You didn't get drunk or kiss any boys did you?" He asked examining my arm and neck. "No." I said firmly. "Good. Get ready. We're gonna go see mom." Terrence said leaving to his room.

Mom. I haven't seen her since the incident. My dad hasn't been home lately so we couldn't see her. I missed her.

I put my set up away and went back to the living room. Sabrina and Terrence were waiting for me. "Hi, Hazel!" Sabrina said childishly. "Dad's waiting for us outside. Let's go." Terrence said walking out the door as Sabrina and I followed him.


We entered my mom's room. She looked worse. I saw a few tears on Sabrina's cheeks.

"Kids. Daniel." My mom smiled weakly. "Mom!" Sabrina choked out through her tears. We all gave her a huge hug. "Where's the doctor?" Dad asked heavily. "Oh I can call him if you like." Mom's eyes twinkled. Then she reached over and pressed a button on a remote.

"How's it been?" She asked hugging Terrence more. "It's been good. I've had to work a lot though." Dad said holding her hand. "How 'bout you Bri?" "Schools been good, Mom. I already have three friends. Emma, Taylor, and James!" Sabrina smiled.

Terrence arched an eyebrow. Mom laughed at his action. "Honey, you don't need to be so protective." "Yes I do! You don't know what could happen. Hazel already has 4 guy friends and she isn't hanging out with girls!" Terrence defends.

I gawk at him. "Yeah. I've seen you hanging out with them." Terrence glares. Then the doctor entered the room and Dad got up immediately. "Hello Mr. Deven. How is everything?" "Good. How about you?" My dad said shaking the doctor's hand. "Very well. Now about your wife." "Yes. Is she okay?" My dad asked walking with the doctor to the other side of the room so we couldn't hear.

"Hazel, baby." My mom smiles. "Mom, I've missed you so much." I say looking at her frail body. "Is school okay?" My mom strokes my cheek trying to take my mind off of her. "It's good. I was a DJ at a party earlier." I smile at her. "Oh sweetie that's amazing! Was it fun?" She wheezes. "Yes. Very fun." I reply. "Really?!?" My dad's voice cracks. My mom looks at him with sad eyes.

"What's wrong?" Terrence asked. "Yeah. Is mom okay?" Sabrina frowns. "Uh, thank you for telling me. Kids say goodbye to mom. It's getting late." Dad said walking over to mom and giving her a kiss and telling her goodbye. We all said goodbye and left home.


I woke up to the sound of the TV on. It was SpongeBob. I turned to my alarm. It read 7:00, Saturday. Ugh. I got up, grabbed my phone and went to the kitchen for breakfast.

Sabrina was sitting in the living room watching SpongeBob. I set my phone down on the table and got out a bowl for cereal. I sat down with it and checked my social media for notifications. While scrolling through I got a text from Bryan.

Bryan: hey r u doing anything today

Me: No why?

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