i love you...

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I wake up the next morning with Austin's head on my chest. I pull myself out from under him and make my way to the kitchen to make breakfast. I make some pancake batter for the guys and me a bowl of fruit. When Phan smells food, you know they'll find it. "I smell pancakes!" Phil says, running into the kitchen. "Plates are by the stove." I say, stuffing my mouth with cantalope. "Thanks, favourite daughter. You're the best!" Dan kisses my cheek, then Phil. "So, we heard you found a dress." Dan says, I nod. "Yeah, I did and it's beautiful! I'm so excited for this wedding!" They chuckle. "Us too, deary. We're going to miss you when you move out though." Phil says, he looks so sad. I get off the chair and give him a hug. "I'll miss your's and Austin's fighting as well." Dan says, I also hug him. "What did Austin do?" Austin asks, he walks into the kitchen. His hair a mess, I don't know what it is. But he looks way hotter than normal.

"Goodmorning, babe." I walk over to him and kiss him. "Goodmorning, baby. How did you sleep?" He asks me, hugging me. "Alright, my back hurts an awful lot though." I tell him. "How about you take a bath and when you're done I'll rub your back?" He asks me with a smile. I nod quickly, "Thanks, Austin. I love you." I kiss him on the cheek and run to the bathroom. I haven't had a lot more morning sickness like I thought I would. This pregnancy has been pretty simple so far, there's still six more months to go though. When I get out of the bath I put on some leggings and a light peachy coloured sweater. Austin does as he promised and rubs my back. "Feel any better?" He asks me, laying down next to me. "Yes, a lot better. Thank you." I tell him, he nods and kisses my hand. "Anything for my future wife." I chuckle. "Well, I'll remember that." He rolls his eyes. "Have you been thinking about baby names?" He asks me, I shake my head. "Not really, I just know it would be a lot of fun to have a boy." I tell him, he chukles.

"Well, what about a daughter? I would love to have a daddy's girl." I look at him, he has a huge smirk on his face. "Well a mommy's boy would be great as well." He laughs and wraps his arms around me. "You have an appointment with the pregnancy doctor in two weeks by the way." I nod. Austin's the one to books all my appointments and also the one who remembers them. We have been going to classes to ensure a healthy delievery as well. I, on the other hand, have been researching what to eat and what to do to make sure the baby is healthy. "How about this?" Austin says, I look at him. "If it's a boy, you name it. But if it's girl, I name it?" He asks, bracing for my answer. I look at him for a few seconds, "Yeah! That's a great idea. What are some of your options?" I ask him. "I was thinking a name relating to flowers?" I nod. "So like Jasmine or Lily?" He smiles and nods. "I was thinking Jasmine. It's such a pretty name and a pretty flower." He says, starting to get excited. "And we could put jasmine flowers all over her room and make an off white nursery to go with the flowers and..." I cut him off. "Woah now, babe. Don't get ahead of your self. We haven't even bought a house yet." He chuckles. "What were your options for names?" He asks me.

"I want a unqiue name for whatever gender it is. I think Jasmine's a unique name." I say, he nods. "I also have a story behind why I chose that name." I look at him and riase my eyebrows, "What would that be?" He clears his throat. "Well, my mom's favourite flower was Jasmine. If I was a girl she was going to name me Jasmine too, I want to pass that on if we have a girl." I smile at him, "That's very thoughtful of you, Austin." He kisses me. "I was thinking something like Jax or Daven." I tell him, he nods. "I really like Daven... Jasmine and Daven. Those are good names." We drift to sleep and end up sleeping for most of the day. We end up waking up at around 2:30 and watch a ton of movies until about 5:00 when we went back to sleep. We wake up with a knock on our bedroom door. "Wake up, guys! I'm here to kidnap Nari!" Zoe says, pounding on the door. I groan and get up.

"Zoe! Hey." I hug her. "I haven't seen you in like... what? A day?" I roll my eyes and laugh. "So, what are we doing today?" I ask her, she smirks. "We are going to a spa and then to our hotel room for the night." She says, I nod. "Okay, let me change and wake up Austin." I tell her. "Austin, baby. Wake up." I kiss him and his eyes flutter open. "Goodmorning." I say, he smiles sleepily. "Zoe's here and she's taking me to the spa." I tell him. "Okay, baby. Have fun." He plops back down and throws the covers on himself. I change into a white tshirt and change into some gray leggings with some white birks. "I'm ready! Let's get our spa on." We get a cab to a spa/resort area. I spend all day getting a back and foot massage. Towards the end of the day we go into a steam room, but staying hydrated the entire time of course. "You enjoyung yourself?" Zoe asks me, I nod. "Yes, I am. Thanks so much." I tell her. "No problem!" We get out of the room and go to our hotel room and go to sleep.

We brought my dress and everything with us so I could just get dressed the next morning. "Zoe, it's time to get ready!" I yell, jumping on the bed next to her. She groans as I get up and open the curtains, letting all the sun light burst into the room. "Nari, I love you and all, but right now I want to slap you." She jokes, I pull the covers off of her and toss her maid of honour dress to her. "Okay, okay. I'll get ready first and then I'll help you." She goes into the bathroom and gets ready. While she's in there, I check Twitter and see everyone reminding me that today's the day. I tweet to everyone in response: "Hey everyone! I will be doing a vlog of the wedding and Phil will be streaming it on Youtube. Pj will record it so that I can publish it tomorrow on my channel :)" I'm so excited for today, Austin said he was nervous but that he would be fine. "I'm ready, Nari." Zoe comes out. "You look beautiful, Zoe!" I hug her. "Thanks, babes. But you're the one who needs to look breathe taking."

She pulls me into the bathroom and helps me get my dress on. She also puts my hair up in a messy bun with a braid going around it and pulls pieces down to curl. She does a rose gold makeup look to match my promise ring. "Are you going to keep the promise ring on?" She asks me, I nod. "So, you'll have a promise ring, an engagement ring, AND a wedding band?" She asks. "Yeah, I guess so." I answer her, we both laugh. "You're one lucky girl!" I chuckle. We get my shoes on and there's a knock on the door. "Zoe? Nari? It's Dan." Zoe goes and opens the door. "Nari! You look amazing." Dan says, hugging me. Phil follows him into the room. "Wow, Simmy." I hear someone say. I see Pj and run over to him and hug him. "Hi, Pj." He squeezes me. "You look gorgeous." He tells me. "Thank you, you look very nice as well." I smile at him, there's that twinkle in his eyes. The twinkle he gets when he looks at me, he must be crushed to see me getting married today.

"I hate to break up the reunion, but we need to get going to the church." Dan says, I clear my throat and let go of Pj. "Uh, of course. Let's go." Pj says, he sounds sad though. We get into Pj's truck and head to the church. When we get there, there's people everywhere. Most of them are fans. We drive to the back where there's a gate and I get out, while being helped by Pj, and we go inside. Zoe leads me to a small back room with my veil. Phil and Pj help me get it around my head while Dan checks on Austin. "Phil, can I talk to you?" Dan asks, coming into the room. Phil nods and follows Dan out. I look at Pj, "I'll see what they're talking about." He says, grabbing my hand. I smile and nod. "Austin's dehydrated and refuses to drink." I hear Dan says, Phil sighs. "Well tell him that he needs to or else he isn't getting married." I pull out my phone and text Austin.

Nari: Babe, you need to drink something.

Austin <3: I know I do.

Nari: Come on, Austin. For me?

Austin <3: Ugh, fine. Only because you're so cute.

I smile at my phone and put it away. Pj and Phil come back into the room with Zoe and I. "Thank you for texting him, Nari." Phil says, I smile. "You need to drink something too, for you AND the baby." Phil says, Pj looks at him and I. "Um, baby? What baby?" He asks, face turning red. "Oh, um, suprise? I'm pregnant." I say, taking a big drink. "You're what?!" Pj yells, Phil stands behind him and grabs his arms. "Nari, you're already SO YOUNG and getting married. What makes you think getting PREGNANT is a good idea?" He yells. "It isn't any of your business, Pj. Austin and I can do whatever we want and YOU don't have any business knowing!" I counter back. "Nari, reason with me. This baby is an awful idea and..." I jump up and smack him. "You're seriously saying that I should get rid of this baby? How dare you!" I scream at him. "You know what, Nari. I also don't want you getting married! I love you..." I gasp. "Stop talking, Pj! If you're so in love with me, why did you even bother coming if you're just going to tell me what I can and cannnot do with my life?" I scream again, tears start falling.

I can literally SEE the heartbreak in his eyes, he excuses himself from the room. Zoe and Phil look at me, "Wow, Nari." Zoe says. I sit down and put my head in my hands. "I can't believe he said those things." Phil says, sitting next to me. He rubs my back as I cry into my hands. Pj just ruined what's supposed to be one of the best days of my life, I hope he's happy. Dan runs into the room, "Why did I just see Pj running out of the church?" He sees me, "Oh my gosh. What happened?" Zoe explains everything to him as Phil tries to calm him down. "I can't believe him!" Dan yells, pounding on the wall. "He has NO RIGHT to speak to you like that, Nari." He grabs me hands and pulls me to my feet. "You sure you're okay?" He asks me, I nod and smile. "Yeah, I'm glad I chose to give Austin another chance!" They all laugh. "Alright! Let's fix your makeup and get you married!"

Adopted By Dan Howell and Phil LesterWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu