heart eyes

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"A few weeks? I thought you said it wouldn't be all that long!" The boy called Austin yelled angrily. "Please, Mr. King, calm down. A few weeks is supposed to be as long as this process takes. It's different for everyone, but her knowing her name is a good sign." The doctor explains calmly. "She will be good to leave tomorrow, we want to run a few tests just to make sure everything is going well with her healing." He finished. Phil nods and places his hand on Dan's shoulder. Austin just sits there and looks at me for a few minutes. "Nari, babe. Can you tell me anything about yourself?" Austin asks me, I look up at him. "Besides my name is Nari?" I ask him, he nods. "Well, I know that I'm apparently a lot of people's role models. You told me that." I said with a smile, he smiles back. "You're also my boyfriend." I look down at the ring "Did you get me this?" I ask him, he smiles wide and hugs my hand. "Yes, I did. It's our promise ring. I have one identical to it, but without the diamonds." He shows me his ring, I take his hand to examine the ring.

The whole time I'm examining it, Austin just smiles at me. He would look at Dan, Phil, and this Pj dude and then back at me. I could tell he meant a lot to me, there were these sparks flying as I touched his hand. I looked up and smiled at him, "It's beautiful." I say, he smiles caringly at me. Some would say, with heart eyes. "Nari, can you tell me anything else?" He asks me, still smiling. "Well, I remember hitting my head and someone running to my side. After that, I don't remember anything." I look at all of them, eyes swelling with tears. "This hurts so much, I want to remember who you all are. I wish this wasn't happening." I start balling and they all surround me. "Nari, sweetheart, everything will be okay. You'll remember someday." Dan says, he hugs me in the process and then kisses my forehead gently. "Babe, I promise. We will do our best to help you." Austin says, he wraps his strong arms around my waist. "Each of us will have some time with you to fill you in on anything you ask us." Phil says, joining the group hug.

"Up first, will be this guy." Dan says, pushing Pj towards the bed. "We will go and get something to eat while you guys talk." With that, they went out the door. "So, my name is Pj Liguori. I'm your second best guy friend. Your first is obviously Austin. You and I... Sort of had a past together a while ago. You were the one who decided you loved Austin and you broke us off. During that time, you and Austin had broken up. I'll let Austin explain that. Also, I have called you Simmy pretty much since the day I met you. You loved playing a game called the sims, that's why." When he said Simmy, a few memories flooded in. Ones of me crying against a white wall, it looked to be in a hospital. Pj ran to my side and comforted me during that. That must have been when he decided he loved me. He saw me at what looked to be one of my weakest points. "I remember..." I said, he looked at me. "Remember what?" He asked me, he looked to be on the edge of his seat. "I was crying, I think in a hospital. You were the one to comfort me, thank you." I threw my arms around him. He squeezed me back in return.

"Of course, Nari. I will always be there to help you in anyway I can." He said, I broke off the hug. "Why was I crying?" I ask him, he rubs his forehead. "Well, you and Austin broke up. I was there for you. That's when we developed those lost feelings." He explained, I nodded. "Well, next is Dan and Phil." He got up and left as they came in. "You obviously know that we're your fathers. We met you back in May of 2016 at a tour we held. "We make videos on the internet for a living, as well as you." Dan says, I also remember. Meeting them. Hugging them, crying, them pulling me on stage announcing something. But, that's it. "I remember you guys pulling me on stage that day I met you." I said, they smile. "You do?! Yes! We're finally getting somewhere." Phil yells in triumph. "Dan and I got married about a month ago, you took the wedding pictures. Austin and you came to the wedding together. It was so cute." Now memories are really flooding in. I remember everything. Well, almost. Some parts with this 'Austin' person are fuzzy still. "We'll send Austin in." They get up and Austin comes in.

"I'm Austin King. You're boyfriend who loves you very much." He says with a smirk. "I know who you are, Austin. I remember almost everything. Some memories with you are kinda fuzzy though." He smiles gently at me. "Oh, well then it's my job to clear things up for you." He says, sitting down next to me. "So, both of us make videos on Youtube, which I bet you know. We were asked to collab by our fans and then soon after that, we started dating. We've been through many tough times, but came out on top by each other's sides." He scoots closer to me and I lay my head on his shoulder. The sparks, they're undeniable. My head starts throbbing as I start to remember everything. Legit, everything. "Thank you, Austin. For always staying there beside me." I hug him and he kisses my temple. "Of course, babe. Anything for you."
the pain has gotten worse. both with my surgery and with my crush. there goes any feeling of being important to anyone...

Adopted By Dan Howell and Phil LesterWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt