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"Did you miss me, babygirl? Don't worry, I'm here now." A voice says, I'm suddenly jerked away from my boyfriend and my dads. I remember being pulled by my hair as a voice kept saying "Don't scream. Don't scream. I will punish you if you do." I was balling my eyes out at this point. I wanted away from this person, I wanted to go home. The voice sounded just like the one in my dream... It couldn't be... "Father?" I manage to choke out. The person smirks down at me, I see another person on his left. I pass out before he says anything.

I wake up not knowing where I am or anything. Where am I? I ask myself, I open my mouth to scream but nothing comes out. My mouth is tapped and my hands are tied. I hear a door open. "At last, you are awake." The figure moves under the light so I can see who it is, I knew it. It is my father. He comes over and rips the tape off. "How dare you kiddnap me! Do you know what I can do to you for doing this?!" I scream, he laughs. "Sweetheart, there is no need to scream as I am right here. You thought you could actually escape me?" He smirks. "Yeah, I actually did. My boyfriend will kick your butt." I say smiling at the rememberance of my boyfriend. "Oo, boyfriend, huh?" He sits down in front of me, "Do tell."

"What the heck you mean 'Do tell?' You actually think I will talk to you about him?" He shrugs, "Well... Yeah, I am your father after all." I shake my head and laugh slightly, "No you absolutely are not. Dan and Phil are." He rolls his eyes and stand up, "Honey, believe what you want. I am your real father. You remember your mother, correct?" I nod slowly, I feel tears forming. "You also remember what you went through when she died, correct?" I nod again. "Good, want to feel that again?" He asks while fidgeting with his thumbs. "You sick person, don't you DARE touch Dan or Phil or else..." I say, I have no idea what I will do, or what I can. "Or else what? I'm not scared of you, baby. You're so mentally weak, you can't handle anything."

I shake my head quickly, "You're wrong. Dan and Phil love me, Austin loves me, my fans love me..." I didn't mean to say fans. He doesn't need to know I'm sort of internet famous. "Well, well. Fans?" He questions. I shut my mouth tightly, "You actually think you're worth something in this world? You are so wrong, my dear." He comes closer and picks me up. He drags me over to a chair and ties my feet. "Give me your phone." He says shortly. "Hmm, kinda can't, idiot. You sort of tied my hands." He grabs my chin and makes me look at him. "Don't sass me, babygirl. I can kill you in a matter of seconds. Where is it?" I manage to get in my pocket and hand it to him. "Who do you think will answer? Austin, Dan, or Phil?" I shake my head and look down. "Call Dan."

He laughs menically, "No, sweety. I will video call him." He sends my screen to the projector on the wall, he sees my background of Austin and I kissing and laughs. "What's so funny?" I ask shortly. "You and this guy, I can't believe he sees anything in you..." I roll my eyes and tears start to fall, "Just call Dan already..." He does as I say, but comes over and tapes my mouth, then finally video calls him, after a few seconds he answers. "Nari! Oh my gosh you're okay!" I see two more people huddle around Dan, Phil and Austin. "Wait, Nari?" Phil questions.

"Guess again." My father moves into view of the camera. "Hello Daniel, Philip. Ah, you must be Austin." I see them all gulp. "Who the heck are you and what have you done with my girlfriend?!" Austin says angrily, grabbing the phone from Dan." Let me talk to her, NOW!" My father laughs crazily. "No can do, let me talk to Dan or she dies." Dan comes up behind him and snatches the phone. "What the heck do you want?" He says running his fingers through his hair. "I want the three of you to come to the address I am about to send you. If you send police with you, you will all die as soon as you step in the door." Dan looks taken back, "Alright. Please, don't hurt my daughter." He looks like he's about to cry. "Haha. You're daughter?! She may legally be yours, but she's biologically mine." Dan nods slowly and leans his head on Phil's shoulder. "Please, I'm begging you. Don't hurt Nari! I love her!" Austin grabs the phone again.

My father laughs again and ends the call. "Now, I said I won't hurt you, butttt I change my mind." He unties me and pulls me to my feet. He continues to beat me for another hour and a half straight. What's taking Dan, Phil, and Austin so long? I then feel something hit my head and feel blood flooding around me, I pass out again. I hear voices all around me, I heard a loud bang that causes me to wake up. I feel arms around me, it's Dan. "D-dan?" I stutter. "Nari? Oh my gosh, I am so sorry I didn't get here sooner." I shake my head, "Please don't worry, can you take me out of here?" He nods and picks me up bridal style. He then hands me off to someone, Austin. I throw my arms around him. "Austin, I love you so much. Please never forget that." I kiss him for what seems like an eternity.

Turns out the gunshot I heard was infact from my father, he has shot at Phil when he came in and missed. It ricocheted and hit him in the stomache, it killed him instantly. We then get in a car and go to a hospital. I get checked in and put in a room, "Will I be okay?" I ask the doctor. "Yes, you will be fine. You just have a few broken ribs and you're cut up pretty bad, but yes you will be fine. Is there anything I can get you?" He asks, I shake my head. Austin speaks out, "Is there anyway you can bring outside food in here?" He asks, I look at him questioningly. He smiles at me, "Well, yes and no. What are you thinking?" Austin gently grabs his shoulder and pulls him into the hallway.

"You alright, Nari?" Dan asks me, I shake my head and start balling my eyes out. "Shh, Nari. It's okay. He can't hurt you anymore." I know what he says is true, but no it won't be okay. All of my dreams are coming back to me. All of the beatings, screaming, fighting. Everything. They don't know the half of it. "No it won't, you have no idea. Please leave, I want to be alone." They respect my wishes and stand up and exit the room.


wowowowowowowowow! that was a lot of typing, drama, and tears. im sorry you all had to wait! i left it on a huge cliffhanger xx

Adopted By Dan Howell and Phil LesterWhere stories live. Discover now