familiar faces

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I wake up the next morning and remember Dan and Phil want some bonding time with me, I get up and get dressed. I put on another one of Austin's sweatshirts, black leggings, and black birkenstocks. I pull my hair up and loosly curl it. I decide  I look half way presentable and go downstairs. "Goodmorning!" I say, hugging the both of them. "Goodmorning." They both say. I pull out my phone and text Austin.

N: Goodmorning <3

Austin<3: Goodmorning, beautiful! :) What do you have plannned today?

N: Just some bonding time with my dads, wbu?

Austin<3: Thinking about learning to play the guitar XD

N: Well, alright XD have fun! I love youuuu :)

Austin<3: I love you too <3

"I see you're already texting Austin this morning!" Phil says sarcastically. "Hey!" Dan says, "He's a nice kid! Sooo much better than... uhm, you know who." I laugh, they aren't aloud to say his name in this house anymore. It's funny when they try not to. "Yes, he's an amazing kid! So Phil, cute him some slack!" He laughs and shrugs.

We head out the door and take a walk around town. A few fans approach us, so of course we take pictures, sign things, etc. It's a lot of fun, I love meeting my fans. I hope to have a meet up here soon. "What do you guys want to do?" Dan asks. "Starbucks?" Phil asks, Dan and I both nod and head towards Starbucks. We walk in to the familiar smell of coffee beans, I love that smell. I hear a familiar voice behind me, the same one I screamed at not to long ago.

"Oh. Well, well, well. Look who it is." That voice. "Hello, Justin." I say sternly. He seems taken back, "What? Not happy to see me?" I laugh, "Hardly, after I caught you cheating on me." He smirks, "Well, I wouldn't expect much more from him." He says directing towards my sweatshirt. I laugh, "Yeah well, unlike you, he loves me." He rolls his eyes, "Who's to say I didn't love you?" I roll my eyes too, he's starting to annoy me. "You cheated on me Justin, that isn't love..." I say trying to keep my calm. I feel a pleasant presence behind me, "Leave her alone." It was Austin, he knows just where to find me.

"Well, as much as I would love to catch up, Nari. I'm going to leave now, see you soon..." He smirked and winked at me, then just left. "Hey." Austin says, hugging me. "I'm sorry." I said, I start trembling. "He pulls me closer to him and then Dan and Phil come to us. "What's wrong Nari?!" Phil asks concerned. "Justin just approached her and was creeping her out." I feel tears forming in my eyes, all my anger returning. I escape Austin's arms and run out the door. I hear voices behind me, I ignored them and carried on running.

I don't know where I am or where I'm going. I just needed to escape for a little while. I find myself in a small little area with lots of shops, I stop and sit at a bench for a little while. "Oh my gosh! Are you Nari Howell-Lester?!" I hear a voice behind me, I turn around to see a girl. She looked to be about 15, but she seemed familiar... "Yes, I am." I say, trying to sound happy. "Can I please have a picture with you?" She asks, I agree and take the picture. "I love your videos so much! You and Austin are totally adorable." I smile at her, "Thank you so much! I'm so sorry, but I have to go. Tag me on that picture on Instagram and I'll follow you!" We say our goodbyes and I can Dan.

"Hello! Nari?!" There's a short pause and I hear voices, Phil and Austin's. "Where on Earth are you?" I stop a moment to breathe. "I really don't know, some little place with lots of shops." Dan sighs, "Listen, stay where you are. Do you see any street signs?" I look around and spot one. "Yeah... It says 'Parkway Blvd.' and there's a court house across the street..." He sighs again. "Dang it, Nari! You're about five miles away, how did you run five miles?!" He's really mad, I don't blame him though. "I don't know... I'm so sorry..." I feel tears falling from my eyes again, I sniff. "Talk to Phil." He says it shortly, taking me back. Instead of hearing Phil's, I hear Austin's.

"Hey, baby. Are you okay?" I breathe again, "Yeah... I'm sorry, for everything." I start crying more now. "Nari, babe. Please listen to me, I know he scared you. You need to ignore him though. I will protect you, always." I smile and wipe away a few tears, "Promise?" I ask, sniffing again. "I swear on my life... I will never hurt you, I love you way too much for that." I smile, "I love you more." We then hang up. I sit back down on the bench and take deep breathes. About ten minutes later a cab pulls up and out comes Dan, Phil, and Austin. Austin and Phil both run towards me to hug me. I look back and see Dan standing there, glaring at us.

I walk back to him, "I'm so sorry, Dan..." I look at the ground. He grabs both my hands and pulls me into a hug. "I forgive you, I'm sorry he provoked you." I nod and tears are still falling. We pull apart and Austin wraps his arm around my waist. "I'm sorry I ruined our..." Phil stops me, "Don't be sorry, he's a creep. All three of us will protect you... No matter what." I wipe away yet again, more tears. "I love you guys." We all three do a group hug.


hey everyone! sorry for the late update :(

Adopted By Dan Howell and Phil LesterTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon