save the date!

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My phone vibrates, it's Justin. "Hey baby! Did you miss me? Don't worry, you'll seem me soon <3" I can't do this right now, he's seen I opened the message though. I need to just ignore him, block him, and tell someone. Everything will be okay, Austin will protect me. Same with Dan and Phil, but beforeI can turn off read, he texts again.

Justin: Don't even think about ignoring me.

Nari: What do you want?

Justin: I heard about your break up, I want you.

Nari: What break up? I'm still taken.

Justin: Don't lie to me Nari! I will find you, I promise ;)

I throw my phone across the room, I run after it to block his number. That will solve the immediate problem. He always finds a way to contact me again, it's terrifying. I run down the hall to Phil's room. I knock on the door and wait for a minute, no response. I knock again, a little harder this time. Dan gets up and opens the door, "What, Nari? It's nearly one in the morning." I barge in and throw myself at Phil. He pulls me onto his lap and strokes my hair, "What's wrong, baby?" Phil asks me, I begin sobbing. "It's Justin. He's threatening me again." Phil shushes me and rubs my back gently. "Call Austin, tell him what's going on." Phil says, I nod and pull my phone out to call him.

"Austin?" I say, he clears his throat. "Hey, babe. What's wrong?" He asks, I sniffle. "Nari?" He says again. "It's Justin, he's after me again." I hear him get up, "Okay, say no more. I'll be there in ten minutes." He says, I nod. "Okay, I love you. Remember that." I hear the smile in his voice, "I love you too, babe." I hang up the phone, Phil hands me off to Dan. "It's okay, Nari. Everything will be fine." I nod, I hear a knock on the front door and Phil gets up to answer it. I hear footsteps down the hall and I look up and see Austin. I get up and run over to him, he pulls me into his chest. "It's okay. I'm here, I will protect you." He says, I cuddle my head into his neck. He picks me up and carries me to our room. "Can you move back in?" I ask him, he smiles and nods. "Of course, I was going to anyways since we're back together." He chuckles and I scoot closer to him. He puts his arm around my waist and kisses the back of my neck.

The next morning I wake up shivering and alone. I look on the nightstand and see a note from Austin: "Goodmorning, babe. I went to my friend's house to get my things. Dan and Phil made you some strawberry and whipped cream waffles. See you soon xx" He's the best, I'm so glad we made up. I put on one of his sweatshirts and some sweatpants and go to the kitchen. The waffles look amazing, I grab the plate to go to the lounge and watch TV. About thirty minutes later, I hear a key in the keyhole and a bunch of noise. I get up to see Phan and Austin coming up the stairs with his things. "This guitar is awesome!" Dan says, Austin laughs. "Yep. It is, sorry it's in your face." Dan laughs, "It's alright." They greet me and go to mine and Austin's room.

"Okay. Everything is move back in." Austin says, putting his arms around my waist. I turn to face him and put my arms around his neck, "Good. I missed you like crazy." He kisses my forehead and I smile. "I'm gonna get dressed." I say, he nods and lays down on the bed. "Should I wear this white crop top sweater or a black long sleeved shirt?" I ask, he points to the sweater and I put it on. "Thanks, babe." I say kissing him, he smiles and kisses me back. He pulls me down on top of him and hugs me. "I need to talk to Dan and Phil." I say, trying to get up. He chuckles and holds me tighter. "Austin!" I scream, he laughs and lets go. "Thank you." I grab his hand and we go to the lounge. "I have an idea." I say, they look at me and look startled. "Sorry." I say. "What's your idea?" Dan asks, I look at Austin, he looks confused. "Let's go to America for a week or two, we could all use a vacation before the wedding." I say.

"If we do go, we will only go for a week and a half. The wedding is in four weeks." Dan says, I nod. "That's fine with me! When are we leaving?" I ask, Phil pulls out his laptop, "I will book the tickets now. We will leave tomorrow morning at 5:30. Our flight is at 7:45." I hug Austin, "We're going BACK to America!" I yell, he chuckles and hugs me back. "Go pack." Dan says. We go to our room and pack. As we're packing, Austin asks me a question. "Why America?" He asks me, I shrug. "I have a friend to lives there, I wanted to see her." He nods, "What's her name?" He asks. "Hanna." He cocks his head at me, "I lived with her before Phan adopted me." I explain.

We both finish packing and lay down. "It's only 7:30, let's go do something." He says, turning to face me. I groan, "I don't want tooo, I'm comfy!" I cuddle into him and he rolls his eyes. "You're so lazy." He laughs."You love it though." He smirks, "Yeah, I guess I do." He puts his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to kiss my forehead. "Have you heard from Justin?" He asks, I shake my head. "I blocked his number yesterday." He nods, "Good." We end up falling asleep since we have to get up early for the flight.

The next morning, Austin basically has to pull me off the bed. I kept screaming, "Austin! I'm not getting up!" I yell, he sighs. "Nari, this trip was your idea. Now get up." I roll my eyes, "Fine." He says, he grabs my legs and pulls me off the bed. "Austin!!!" I scream, he kisses me to make me be quiet, "I hate you!" I joke, he laughs and kisses me again
thank you so so so much for 8k reads!!

Adopted By Dan Howell and Phil LesterDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora