Dad Of The Year

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It has been almost a week since Dan grounded me, and we haven't spoken since. Me and Phil on the other hand, have made up and gone out together and gotten ice cream, went shopping, and just walked around. Things are great! Well, almost, Dan and I now have to make menace so that in a week when tour ends, we won't be fighting when we finally go home. Today, we are going to the local courthouse and filling out all the paperwork for the adoption. "Hey, Phil! Where's Dan, I need to talk to him." I say crossing my arms. "Uh oh, you're crossing your arms. Must be serious." He says jokingly, he already knows we need to talk. "Oh stop, just tell me where he is!" I say laughing. He explains he went down to the diner to get us all lunch. I thank him and go in to get dressed.

I walk into the bathroom and get my burgundy 'notice me senpai' shirt and pull out some high waisted black shorts. I then apply mascara, eyeliner, and foundation and go back out. "Wow, I like your shirt!" I hear someone say as I close the door, i recognize that voice, but I can't place a name. I spin around really fast to see the one and only CONNOR FRANTA. I gasp, leaving my mouth wide open. I have been a fan of him for almost two and a half years, and he's in MY hotel room.

"OH MY GOSH, YOU'RE CONNOR FRANTA! I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS AND YOU SO MUCH!" I say running up to him and hugging him. He laughs a cute laugh and pulls away from me. "Wow, Phil. She's exactly how you described her!" He says laughing again. I gasp again, then hear the door open. "Hey, Connor! Long time no see. How are you?" This time it's Dan, I can tell by the voice. I turn around, "Hey, Dan. Can we talk in the hall?" I ask, I hear Phil whisper to Connor. I guess about what happened. "Uh, sure, I guess." He says, he then opens the door for me and we walk out. I have no idea what I'm gonna say to him, I'm so nervous.

"Listen, I am so sorry about what happened! I feel horrible, over this week I have been trying to imagine how this conversation would go, and every vision has ended in you guys not wanting to adopt me anymore." His eyes soften, he looks away and runs his fingers through his hair. Not a good sign, I feel the tears start to form on my eyelids, letting one fall before I quickly wipe it away. He looks bad, his eyes say he isn't happy, "Okay, I forgive you, but you need to know that yelling at people isn't okay!" I nod my head, not knowing what to say is killing me. "Why on earth would we not want to adopt you anymore?! That's literally ridiculous." He says laughing, I ,for one, am not amused. "Because of how I acted....... I am so sorry." He comes closer to me and pulls me into a hug, stroking my long blonde hair. "Nothing will EVER make me not want to or regret adopting you! We are going to do this!" He says, I nod and start crying again. This time, of tears of joy. I quickly dry up and hug him again. We go back in to see Connor and Phil looking at us.

"Annnnddddd?" Connor says raising his eyebrows. Dan looks at me and then back at them. "Everything is all good!" Dan holds my hand now. We talk to Connor for a while and then he explains how he has a meeting and then has to fly back to LA tomorrow. We say our goodbyes to Connor and head to the courthouse. "Any idea where this place is?" Dan asks. "Not a clue... maybe it's this way!" Phil says running of, as we were walking, I look up and see a huge clock on a tower. "That's it!!" I say pointing at the clock, they nod and we walk that direction. We walk in to the smell of ink and paper, not a pleasant smell.

"Hello, we are here to fill out adoption forms." Phil explains pointing to me, the lady smiles and hands them the papers, there are at least four pages! We walk over to a table and fill them out. They ask me what my parents names are, my blood type, all of that stuff. Dan takes the papers and hands them to the lady. "Alright, you are officially the parents of Nari Harmon!" We all do a group hug.

soooo Nari is officially adopted!!! yay!

Adopted By Dan Howell and Phil LesterWhere stories live. Discover now