"Goodnight everyone, glad you're back home Justine. Try to get some sleep." Avalon hugged me.

"I guess we'll go home too, this is a lot for everyone to mull over. I'll talk to you tomorrow, Justine. Thank you so much for bringing my sister home, Brandon." Megan hugged and kissed Me and Brandon on the cheek.

Brandon and I were left in the dining room. He closed the distance between us. My breath caught, as I became fully aware of his nearness. I could have stared at his gorgeous face, amazing grey eyes, and breathed in his electrifying scent, forever.

I have to resist and keep my wits about me around him. His eyes constantly, threaten to hold me captive.

He looked intently into my eyes. "Did you know that your father was planning to sue my brothers? You left that part out of the story, you shared with me."

How dare he imply, I knew about this law suit and didn't tell him.

I moved away from him and narrowed my eyes. "Corwin, you are unbelievable. I told you the whole story." I put my hands on my hips, insulted.

I rattled on. "Believe me, if I had known about this law suit, I would not have felt the need to run. I wouldn't be here at your mother's house. My father is going after your family, without my help." I huffed, feeling indignant.

I was actually affronted. "I was going to say thank you, for all you did for me today. I appreciate you discreetly placing my belongings upstairs in my room. I don't have much," My voice became filled with an emotion, I hadn't expected.

"I'm sorry Justine, I needed to know. I didn't mean to offend you. Please forget I asked you that." Brandon apologized.

He stepped closer, putting my hair behind one ear. "You don't have to thank me, it was my pleasure. I'm glad I found you when I did. You had been on my mind. I had to know if you were alright." His voice made me shiver.

I've never had anyone care about where, or how I was doing. But I still don't feel like I belong here. I don't want Brandon to feel obligated to take care of me.

"Corwin, I'm fine and I think I can leave now that my father doesn't need me for his scheme. I'd like to go back to my life in the morning." I was determined.

"Go back to living in that run down apartment—in the Bronx? Are you kidding me? I'm offering you a nice home to stay in, three meals a day, and you'll be with family that loves and cares about you." Brandon was gaping at me, like I was insane.

"I've expressed very clearly to you, I'm not used to this kind of life. I don't fit in here, not even with my sister. What would I do here all day? I need to work." I tried to reason with him.

"I can get my old waitressing job back and find a better apartment. I'm used to taking care of myself." I looked up at him and put my hand on his shoulder.

Not a good move. . . I could feel that his shoulder was strong and muscular.

He tilted his head to look at me. "Justine, I'm at a loss for words here. I can't make you stay against your will. You do what you feel is best, under the circumstances. I was only trying to help, and look out for you. I've got a court case to win for my family against your father."

I felt drawn to Brandon, and I feared that I would get hurt in the end somehow. These feelings that I was developing scared me and I felt it would be best for me to leave.

How could a man like him, from such a powerful and well known family. . .want me?

"It's settled then, I'll be leaving in the morning. Thank you for your help and concern.  Goodnight, Brandon." I stood on my tiptoes and kissed his cheek. 

He startled me, when he pulled me to him in a tight embrace. "Goodnight, Justine. Promise me, you'll try and stay safe," he spoke in a quiet voice—filled with concern, as he let go of me.

I left the dining room and went straight up the stairs to bed. Brandon, stood in the doorway watching my retreating form, quizzically.

He probably thinks I'm certifiable, and is happy to have me off of his hands.

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