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Killian catches up to me and scoffs. "Emma, hey, you didn't answer my question." I look at him and scoff. "You don't think they're your children?" He shakes his head. "I mean you obviously lost hope that I would come back so you slept with Shane and had them and I mean he looks like me so what difference would that make." I shake my head and scoff.

"You really think that I had children with Shane?" I ask as I stopped in a certain place. He nods. "Remember what we did in that house before you guys left?" He looked around and at the house and shrugged. "No I don't remember." I sighed. He looked around again then looked back at me.

He sighed. "I'm sorry I don't." I shake my head. "Well I didn't make Liam and Leía on my own Killian." I start to walk away and he gasps. "Wait love I do remember now, we made love in that house." I raised my eyebrow, "well now do you believe that they're yours?" He nods. "I'm married to you; do you seriously think that I went into your brother's arms knowing that I still loved you?"

He sighs. "Loved?" I sigh. "As in you loved me and don't anymore." I sigh. "I lost hope long ago when they kept asking for daddy and I didn't know what to say so I ended up telling them that daddy wasn't coming back." He sighs. "So my love for you maybe vanished or it didn't, I don't know I'm a different woman than the one you fell in love with that day at the docks." He sighs.

"I know you love me because I never stopped loving you." I stay quiet. He tried to hug me and I got my spear and pointed at him. Killian's eyes shot open in confusion. My eyes squinted and I hissed at him. I don't know why I did that but the only person that can hug me without freaking out was Shane and my kids.

He raised his hands, "I will never hurt you Emma." I open my eyes and gasp. "I'm sorry, it's just I'm, you don't know how's it been living here, always wondering if I'm going to get killed any second of the day, being queen here doesn't mean you'll be protected it means you have to earn the right to rule and I've done my share of fighting," I say as I pull back the spear.

"Why did Shane let you do this?" I scoff. "He's been nice enough to let the twins live so I just learned to adapt to the ways of this island and we told everyone they were his so they wouldn't be killed and of course he knows the twins are yours and plus he's been there for me all these years so yeah." I hear a noise and I jump in front of  Killian and I start to hiss and I walk around him.

He gasps. "You really have changed." I growl. "Hush." I look and I see a black panther coming out of the shadows. "I knew it." It came charging after us and I pushed Killian out of the way and stabbed it with my spear. I kept stabbing it until it died. I get up, wipe the blood from my face and proudly say "this should be of great nourishment to the village."

I look back at Killian and I could see confusion and fear in his eyes. "What happened to you?" "I sacrificed myself so you could give Aqua a better future and I saved you from becoming this type of person that I am now." I give him my spear, "can you hold this while I carry the panther back to the village?"

He nods but I could still see the fear in his eyes. I once saw love and care in his eyes and now I see confusion and fear and that just kills me. I start to prepare the beast for transportation and I look back at Killian and sigh. "What happened with Regina and Robin?" He stops staring then coughs.

"Oh they had another girl named Roni and they are ruling together and their kingdom is doing well of course with me over seeing it and of course they are doing better than us." I look back at him and chuckle, "better than us?" He looks away and I ignore his comment.

I get the panther and it's a heavy animal, I haul it on to my back and we walk back to the village. We get to the village and I get to the center of the eating grounds. The villagers come over and I smile. "We shall feast greatly tonight my people," I say and I place the animal on the table. Everyone cheered and clapped.

I turn around and Killian is still quiet. Leia and Liam come over and smile. "Nice one mom." I hug them, "one day kids you guys will kill one of your very own." Killian is just standing there in disbelief and hands me my spear. I ignore him and his horrible attitude. "Where's Aqua?" I ask. "She's tied up with the rest of the that man's crew," Liam says and Killian gasps.

"She's what?" He screams. I point the spear at him and hiss. "Watch it Killian." I hate the fact that I'm acting like that with him but he doesn't understand everything that I had to go through all these years for me to survive and help my kids with surviving as well.

"Come, let's go see her." I say and he nods. We walk over to our prison house and there they all were. I see Aqua tied up and it hurt the fact that she sees me with fear in her eyes. I open the gate and cut the rope that was around her hands. "I apologize my dear princess for this imprudence." She goes and hugs Killian and it honestly warmed my heart.

I can't believe I can't be close to my little one I say to myself as I touch my necklace. I walk outside and since the prison house is on the highest hill here in the center of the island I can see the whole village. I couldn't help but think to myself what would my life would have been like if I would have sailed back with Killian.

My twins wouldn't be savages and would have lived an awesome life back at the castle. I sat down and I put my spear on the floor and I started to cry, something that I rarely do anymore. I hear someone come out and I quickly get my spear. I turn and its Killian. "Sorry." He nods, "it's ok." I put my spear back on the ground and I put my knees up to my chest and put my head down. He touches my back and I flinched at first and then I let him embrace me.

I kept crying and he put my head on his chest. I looked up and he wiped the tears from my eyes. "I'm sorry." I chuckle. "You're sorry, for what?" He sighs. "I didn't come fast enough to save you from this life you didn't choose." I look down, "no I chose this life so you could live yours with our Aqua." He kisses me on my head and sighs. "So how about we go back home in the morning before dawn." I sigh.

"I don't know I mean it's been so long since I've been back in our kingdom." He nods. "Come on love let's give our kids a new chance at a new life." I look at the village and sigh. "Well I guess." He hugs me and laughs. "Emma have you not changed your outfit since the last time I was here?" I scoff. "Oh hush of course I've changed it, it's all the same style but different materials." He laughs. "I love you Emma." That fear he once had is now gone and love filled his eyes again.

I smile. "And I love you Killian." He leans in and brushes his nose against mine. I blush and he grabs my chin with his fingers. He then leans in and gives me a kiss. I couldn't help it and I hugged him as we were kissing. I had missed him so much that feeling his lips against mine was heaven to me.

I hear him moan and that made me go insane. God I wished we were back in that house. I never thought that I was going to kiss him again so this I was definitely enjoying. For the first time I felt like I didn't have to be on the look out or be scared to see who would attack me. For once I was actually enjoying something.

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