"I-I have an accent." He stuttered unable able to get out his thoughts.

She smirked and patted his shoulder, "I said hot."

Angel's presence interrupted their conversation. Charles did not feel satisfied. He wanted to somehow convince to Bianca that he was just as good as Angel. He was jealous.

Angel felt mutually about the way Bianca was feeling towards him. He was very intrigued by her beauty but he knew all about Bianca. He knew how Charles felt towards her. Angel knew that she was Charles' first love. He knew everything because Charles' told him everything.

"So how long have you and Charles known each other?" Bianca asked Angel. Bianca held her face in the palm of her right hand. Her elbow leaned on the table as she leaned her body towards Angel who was sitting across from them.

"We known each other since we were seven years old. Well I was eight and Charles' here was seven. Tell her how we met Charles." Angel spoke, directing Bianca's attention to Charles.

Angel knew what he was doing. He realized that Bianca was attracted to him, as were many women. He also felt attraction for Bianca, her beauty was impossible to deny. However, he was Charles' brother.

Bianca took her gaze off of Angel and placed it on Charles. Charles was not ready for Angels sudden speaking to him. He was too busy rolling his eyes at Bianca.

Charles cleared his throat and crossed his fingers, "Well we met at a European Union meeting where all the countries in Europe gathered. All the kings, queens, princes, princesses, presidents and etc.. Angel and I were the only two children there..."

Charles suddenly bursted out laughing along with Angel. Bianca stared at Charles and smiled. She thought that the way he laughed was so cute.

"We meet at the children's center and introduced ourselves. Angel then suggested that we leave and to the food area. This would have been relatively easy since there were no guards watching us. Everyone trusted that the prince of Spain and the UK would be well behaved. Well they were wrong..."

Bianca laughed as hard as she possibly could. The boys thought that she was laughing at them and continued with the story. Bianca was really laughing at when Charles said "well they were wrong". It reminded her of the current trend going around on Instagram where kids did stupid things and then said "don't judge a book by its cover."

Bianca was too busy replaying countless amounts of videos in her head that she didn't even realize that she wasn't listening to them.

"And thats how we met."

Bianca held a sheepish grin on her face, "That story was really funny."

"Apparently it was," Charles spoke, "So what do you want to eat?"

"I'm actually not hungry at all..." Bianca whispered.

Charles rolled his eyes, "You haven't eaten all day."

"Thank you but I'm well aware of that sir." Bianca said sarcastically. She wasn't in the mood to eat. Probably because she felt to happy to do that.

"Bella, are you sure you don't want anything to eat? This restaurant does serve some of the best food in the city." Angel tried once he saw that Charles did not succeed in convincing her to eat something.

Bianca, completely star struck with the fact that he called her Bella, complied and nodded, "Okay." She giggled which blew Charles' mind.

He didn't even say a joke.

"I will go tell the head chef to serve us the best on his menu." Angel said getting up.

After Angel got up and left it was silent for a while. Bianca was smiling to herself and bobbing her her head from side to side, Charles on the other hand was pouting harder than Clara ever did.

"You are unbelievable." Charles practically exclaimed.

Bianca laughed and began to speak rapidly, "What do you mean?"

"Why are you so happy all of the sudden?" Charles asked.

Bianca smiled "Charles need I remind you i'm bipolar?" Charles looked over at Bianca and noticed she was bouncing up and down.

"Bianca are you alright?" Charles leaned over and placed his warm hand over her thigh.

"No, I need to do something." Bianca said extremely fast. She got up from her seat and stuck out her hand to Charles. She dragged Charles all the way to the bathroom.

When they arrived she quickly looked before pushing Charles and herself inside.

"Bianca, what is this about?" Charles was utterly confused. He thought that Bianca was going through a mania but he still didn't understand what kind.

"I need you to kiss me please." Bianca begged grabbing his hands and placing them on her waist.

Charles eyes widened, "What-"

Bianca placed her mouth on his, she couldn't wait any longer. She grabbed his face with her hands and pushed their faces closer together.

Charles was in heaven. He picked her up and placed her on the very expensive marble counter. He didn't understand why this was happening but he didn't care either.

Finding Love Again (Sequel to TCP) BWWMWhere stories live. Discover now