Determined, Truths, Home

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Dear Random Paper I Found In Alice's Guest Room Diary,
It's been only a month and a half or so since I moved into Alice and Alex's house for the time being.
Everything has been going great... Except for the fact that Jihoon and the others had to go back to Korea for their group promotions a while back... I miss him... a lot...
My dad still hasn't contacted me, my stepmother as well. Alice and Alex's parents are still on their business trip. (It actually got extended for two more months). Alice and Alex have started school again. So that means I get to stay in the house alone for a few hours...
Usually Jihoon and I video call every once in a while. He normally calls right after practice so I get to see everybody everytime he calls. It's good to see them all working hard. Jihoon told me that as soon as promotions are over he'll be coming to stay with me again. For a while of course. Anyways, I guess thats mostly it for now...


I folded the sheet of paper and placed it on the kitchen counter with the pen on top of it. I walked towards the fridge and began to take out the ingredients needed for today's lunch. It was 3:30 so Alex and Alice should be home soon. I'm pretty sure they are going to be starving by the time they get home.

I quickly made the food and left it on the stove while i waited for them to come home. There wasn't much to do while they weren't here. And seeing as how it's 4 pm the boys would probably be sleeping by now, so I cant call Jihoon.

["We're here! Back home! Is that spaghetti i smell oh my gosh you're the best!"]

Alice quickly walks inside and drops off her things quickly so she can dash to the kitchen and get some spaghetti.

["Don't burn yourself! Hey Alex, how was school?"]

He looks at me with a serious face for a bit before he comes to sit next to me.

["Your dad stopped us on the way home. The wedding is in 3 days."]

I felt my heart stop.

It makes sense that he hadnt contacted me. He knew I was here all along. He didnt have the need to contact me. And since he was too proud to come talk to me in person. Of course he sends Alex to tell me. Great...

["He said your dress is being sent later today. He wants you to try it on and make sure it fits... Are you okay?"]

Half of me wanted to roll my eyes at his question, but the other half knew it wasnt his fault, so I didnt.

["Im... average... I guess. Why can't he just disown me and leave me alone? I don't matter anyways. I dont care what he does with his new wife! I just want him to leave me out of it!"]

Alex sighed and rubbed my back comfortingly.

["You need to call Jihoon asap. I know you don't want to, but he has to know."]

His words made my heart drop. How could I tell Jihoon? This is the worst news he could possibly get!

["I know... I hate this all..."]

I stood up from the sofa and went to my room.

I grabbed my phone and sent a quick text to Jihoon to call me as soon as he woke up. A text came in right after, from my dad.

>Dad: Come to the house.

I desperately fought the urge to throw my phone at the wall. However, I did what I was told.

I stood in front of the door. Eric was there, next to Edward, and my father.

["Jessica, it's so nice to see you again... why aren't you wearing the ring I bought you?"]

I gave him a slight glare and refused to talk to him.

["She just wants to make sure it's safe. It would be terrible if she lost the ring before the wedding."]

My dad quickly interrupted me before I spoke.

Edward quickly left the room right after. Making no noise as he walked out, except for the click of the heel on his shoe on the polished floor.

["So, your dress just got here. I would love to see you wearing it-"]

["Im not going to marry you."]

My dad quickly looked at me and Eric looked in my dad's direction.

They both didn't say anything.

["I'm not going to marry you, Eric. I'm sorry. I have a boyfriend. My father is trying to use you to get rid of me. So please, do not force me to marry you."]

Eric's eyes widened and my dad looked at him nervously.

["Actually, it's all my stepmother's fault. She's the one that spoke to your father right?"]

Eric looked at me again and furrowed his brows.

["Mr. Kingsley, you told me Jessica had accepted to marry me. Why did you lie?"]

My father had no words and he quickly walked into his office, where I could see my stepmother waiting.

Eric walked up to me and looked at me seriously.

["If you didn't want to marry me, you could have told me from the beginning. Im glad you did anyways though. Truth is, I'm also in love with somebody else. But she cant marry me since she's of a lower class and my parents wont allow it."]

I sighed and nodded.

["I'm sorry. I really am. I hope things work out for you somehow."]

Eric nods and sends me a small smile.

["I wish you luck too. Let's be friends though. I wouldn't mind having a determined friend like you."]

I laughed at his comment making him smile wider.

["I wouldnt mind that either honestly."]


I walked back to my room and saw my phone light up.

Jihoon was calling.

I quickly answered him and told him what happened.

I told him everything from beginning to end. I could hear him let out a sigh of relief after hearing the news. No more marriage.

Jihoon, however had bad news, promotions had ended, but he wasnt going to be able to come until after a month.

I understood why though. So I told him to not worry and focus on his career. At the end of the call he told everyone to come say hi and told them of the news. Everybody cheered for us. DK even said they were going to buy pizza to celebrate.

We ended the call there and i layed down on my bed.

It didn't feel real honestly.

It felt like I was still going to get married either way.

All the feelings of relief quickly blew away that thought. And that night I had the best relaxing sleep ever

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