Good Bye, I love you, Good bye

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Dear Hotel Note-Pad Diary,

I still can't believe I left my laptop charger back at the dorms... I'm actually writing my diary entries in the hotel's notepads...


It's our last day.

Today when we get on the plane... they go back home and I go back home...

This is my last day with them...

I have to make the best of it.

Good news though, I think Jihoon and I are friends again. We hang out often and we've been making music together most of the time too...

I'm gonna miss him...

Don't be sad! I still have all day today!

I still have my last day...

Make the most of it Jessica...


I placed the pen down softly on the table and looked over to Woozi still sleeping on his bed.

'I bet he stayed up late again after I went to bed.'

I sighed and slowly packed my clothes into my suitcase and got things ready for my flight tonight.

I placed my suitcase under my bed and sat down on the floor, my back leaning on the wall.


I peeked over my bed and saw Woozi beginning to sit up on his bed.

"Morning, how did you sleep?"

He rubbed his eyes while nodding and he hummed in response.

"Go wash up. I'm already done getting ready so I'll wait for downstairs to eat breakfast, cool?"

I stood up from the floor as Woozi stood up from his bed. I handed him his towel and guided him to the bathroom by his shoulders.

"Alright, I'll meet you there soo-"

He was cut off by my phone ringing.

"Who is calling you?"

I grabbed it out of my pocket and I frowned at the name I saw shining bright on the screen.

"Who's calling?"

I shook my head and looked at him.

"Just spam. Don't worry about it. Go wash up. I'll meet you down there."

I gave him a quick smile and shooed him into the bathroom then I left the room.

I leaned back on the wall next to the door and I answered the phone.


-["Are you packed?"]

-["I don't get on the plane until tonight. Why the rush?"]

-["I asked if you are already packed."]

-["...Yes, I  am..."]

-["Good. The manager will be giving you your ticket when you go down. Go now."]

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