Good Morning!? Nature's Blessing and Debates

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~:~ Woozi's POV ~:~

I blinked a few times before fully opening my eyes when I woke up.

I looked at the girl right in front of me. She was sleeping so peacefully. I smiled at the sight of her.

I looked over all her features. Her eyelashes are long and eyes are small. Her lips have a pink tint to them. She also has a small birth mark on the tip of her nose.

I moved a few strands of hair away from her face.

After I moved my hands away she snuggled closer to me and placed her head on my chest.


I couldn't help but smile.

["Uh, hyung?"]

I looked to my side and saw 12 pairs of eyes stare back at me.

My eyes widened.

["Why are you sleeping with Jay?"]

I looked at Vernon who was the one speaking to me.

I sat up right away.

["It's not what you guys think!"]

"Why is it so loud in the morning?"

I looked down and saw Jay slowly sitting up. She rubbed her eyes and blinked a few times trying to get used to the light.

"Oh! Good Morning guys!"

She looked around and met eyes with me. She then looked down and saw both of us in the same bed and wrapped in the same blanket. Right away her face turned bright red.

She suddenly stood up, almost falling, and covered her face.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to sleep in your bed! I probably got up to go to the bathroom and went back to the wrong bed. I'm a really heavy sleeper so I don't remember. I'm really super sorry. I promise it won't happen again. Ah, this is so embarrassing..."

'Wah. I can't believe this girl...'

It took most of my strength to not burst out laughing. I put on a stoic face and looked at her.

["If you're so sorry then make breakfast for everyone."]

I got up and walked to the bathroom to wash up.

~:~ Jay's POV ~:~

"What did he say? Is he mad at me? Did he say to leave?"

The 12 boys let out small laughs while looking at each other.

"Why? Why are you guys laughing? This isn't funny!"

Joshua then spoke up.

"Don't worry about why we're laughing. Anyways, do you want to help me make breakfast?"

I pouted at the fact that they won't tell me what they were laughing at but I slowly nodded and agreed to help make breakfast for the hungry boys.

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