Calls, Friends, Trip

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Dear Electronic Diary,

My step-mom called me...

She wants me to come back...

My dad said he needs me to go back...

What do I do?

Anyways... congrats Jessica! You're now officially an adult! The big one - eight! Eighteen years old now... So exciting...

Maybe I should go back home...


I sighed and pat my head as a congratulations.

I nodded to myself and turned off my laptop, closed it, and got up from the bed.

I picked out simple jeans, shirt, and jacket to wear for today and headed towards the living room.

I plugged in my phone to a mini stereo and played some music as I began to clean up the dorm.

'Maybe going back home is my best choice right now...'

I was in the middle of cleaning the kitchen when my phone made a ding sound.

>Dad: Call me.

I pursed my lips and let out a huge breath.

I pressed on the number and it began to dial.


-["Hello? Jessica? Is that you?"]

-["Oops. Sorry. I got used to speaking in Korean..."]

I heard my dad sigh over the phone and clear this throat.

-["We already bought your plane ticket for tomorrow. So you better have everything ready."]

-["Wait! What?"]

-["You're coming back tomorrow. You need to come back hone as soon as possible."]

-["You can't just decide things like this!"]

-["Yes, I can. I'm your father!"]

-["No, you can't! As of today I'm eighteen now. I'm legally an adult and you have no say over me. I can stay here if I want to. Isn't this want you wanted anyways? For me to leave?"]

I realized what I had said and quickly shut my mouth and became quiet.

-["I'll give you to the end of this month. You're coming back here whether you like it or not. You are still my daughter and you do as I say. Don't you dare bring shame over this family."]

The other end on the line ended with a click.

I sighed and calmly placed my phone down on the table.

I crouched down and covered my head with my hands and let out a scream.

Again I cried. Out of sadness? No. Anger? No again. I cried out of confusion and frustration.

'How am I going to tell the boys?'

I felt my heart drop.

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