Suffering, Feeling, Presents

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It's very weird.

How am I in this situation right now?

Doesn't this usually happen in dramas?

How is it that I went from a cheerful girl to a crying mess with him standing in front of me?

How come he even bothered to follow me and the boys all the way out here?

I remember clearly walking with Dino and Mingyu through a small shopping street and we were having a great time. We were eye shopping and even bought matching phone charms. We bought one for every member. Even for him.

But now I'm standing here. In the middle of the street. Dino and Mingyu are no where to be seen. I'm confused and crying my heart out with him standing right in front of me with his usual stoic, emotionless face staring right at me.

Isn't there usually somebody that comes running to save the damsel in distress by now?

That's right.

This is reality.

How silly of me.

To think somebody would rush to my side.


I looked up and turned to the direction in which the voice came from.

His facial expression showed worry and concern. He was running towards me as if his life depended on it. But then he stopped. And his face changed too. It turned into anger.

He continued to walk to me but looking at the person behind me.

Right after standing right in front of me he looked at me again and grabbed my arms.

"Are you okay?"

My tears kept falling and grabbed onto his shirt.

"It hurts. Chan oppa. It's hurts too much. I can't take it."

He pulled me closer and hugged me.

His embrace made me feel safe and I managed to stop crying.

"It's okay. Let's go home now. It's getting late and you should get enough rest for your shift tomorrow. I'll buy you some ice cream on the way home. Mingyu is waiting for us over there. Come on."

I pulled away and nodded. I grabbed his hand and he dried my tears with his free one and smiled at me.

I gave him a small smile back and we walked away, leaving him and all the painful emotions behind.

~:~ Woozi POV ~:~

It annoyed me.

Though I have no right to be annoyed.

I couldn't face her. So I avoided her.

I decided to think about it on my own. And how I would approach the situation. I stayed overnight at my office and I didn't go home for a few days.

In the end I didn't know how to go about that incident. So I kept putting it off.

It was stupid of me. But I didn't think it would affect her much.

That is until I came home one day and found all her stuff gone.

I panicked and I walked right out of my room and put my shoes back on.

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