Morning Walks, Making Songs, and . . .

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["Oppa~ why are we up so early~"]

I looked at Woozi's back that seemed to be getting farther slowly.

Both of us were walking down the street together.

Both of us with our hats and masks on.

It was 5:50 in the morning.

["We have to get there early so we can get in as much work as possible."]

I groaned and jumped around.

Then I quickly walked over to catch up to him.

["Look, I understand 7 or 8, but not 6 in the morning! I'm so tired! I might just fall asleep while walking~"]

He looked at me and rolled his eyes.

["If you fall asleep, I'll leave you here."]

I pouted at his comment.

I lightly slapped his arm.

"Why do you have to be like this? Ugh, you are too complicated!"

["Just walk. Hurry up."]

He stuck out his hand towards me.

I just looked at his hand in confusion.

He rolled his eyes again and grabbed my hand and pulled me along.

My face grew hot.

'What is he doing?!'

I stayed quiet and held his hand while we walked.

'His hands are big... It's probably because he plays piano. Mom's hands were also big like his...'

The thought of my mom made me wonder if my dad was wondering where I was.

Then I wondered if Woozi wants me gone just like my dad does.

["Oppa... Are you fine with me being here?"]

He looked at me and kept walking.

["Yeah, why do you ask?"]

I shrugged.

["You always look so tired and I feel like I'm annoying you by being here..."]

["You are annoying. But that just makes everything more fun. Anyways, I've become used to having you around. It feels weird if I don't see your face at all in a day. That's why I always make sure to come home everyday."]


I grabbed Woozi's hand tightly and smiled.

["That sounds like something a boyfriend would say to their girlfriend."]

Woozi turned his face to look at me.

["D-don't get the wrong idea! I'm also saying that on behalf of everyone in the group."]

I giggled when Woozi studdered.


I began to swing our hands back and forth as we walked.

["What are you doing?"]

I looked at Woozi who was giving me a weird look.

["Nothing~ I'm just really happy to be with you today."]

His eyes widened at my words.

["What are you saying? Are you sick? Maybe you should go back home. I think you're starting to say crazy things."]

["What? That's so mean oppa~"]

I held his hand tightly as a sign that I would not let go.

["You sure are a pain you know that?"]

Run Away to Find Love (Seventeen Woozi Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora