Flight, Roomates, Beach

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~:~ Jay POV ~:~

My body felt stiff everywhere.

I rolled my shoulders foward and back as I let out a sigh.

"You okay?"

I turned towards Dino who put his arm over my shoulders and pulled me close while smiling at me.

Smiling back at him I nodded and laughed.

"Yeah, just a tiny bit annoyed from all the problems we had."

Dino frowned a bit but then quickly smiled again and nodded.

First, it was the long car ride to the airport. Next, the flight got delayed about twice. Then they made us wait for a while before departing.

The flight would've been fine if my seat hadn't been seperated from the boys.

To avoid any uneccesary scandals the boys were seated in a whole other area.

I sat by myself next to some lady that was video calling some other lady and spilling gossip the whole flight. I could've avoided it by listening to music or something but I had packed my headphones in my luggage and not my carry-on.

I let out another sigh remembering the events of the flight when Mingyu came over and put his hand on my head.

"At least it's over, yeah?"

I put on a stoic face and nodded as a small smile came on my face.

We met up with the whole group outside the airport and began to discuss where we would stay and who would be rooming with who.

"Alright. So we don't want to waste too much money on rooms so how about we get 4 rooms with two big beds. We can all seperate into 3 groups of 4 and the two left over room together."

Everybody payed attention as Jeonghan explained the plan.

"I say Jay gets to room with only 1 boy because she's a girl. So the rest of us have to get into groups."

Joshua looked at me while smiling.

'He really is a gentleman."

I smiled back at him and mouthed a "thank you" while giving him a thumbs up.

"Seungcheol hyung, Jeonghan hyung, Minghao and I are gonna room together!"

We all looked at the four and they seperated themselves from the group.

"Mingyu and I will room together. Who's is joining us?"

Vernon quickly grabbed Seungkwan's hand he raised his other.

"We will!"

Those four seperated themselves from the group.

Only 5 were left.

"Well the four of you can do rock paper scissors to see who gets the room?"

They all looked at me and nodded and got into a circle.

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