Kiss? Tears! and Him

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~:~ Jay POV ~:~

Dear Electronic Diary,

I'm still working hard with my job at the cafe. I even got enough money to buy myself a cellphone! S.Coups and I went out to buy it yesterday morning.

Ah~ I'm so happy! No more getting lost in amusement parks like that one time.

Woah! I can't believe that was already four months ago!

Also! My Korean is almost perfect. I've gotten so good that some regular costumers have noticed and praised me! Ahh~ I feel so good now~ life here has been pretty great.

Guess what though. Seventeen works even harder than I do. Seeing them put so much passion in their work gives me so much motivation~ I want to help them as much as I can!

So~ because of that, I'm trying to save up enough money so I can get a ticket for one of their concerts.

I've only seen them practice and on tv but never in an actual concert. I want to go see them!

I think I might get another job too...

Anyways, let's work hard!

-This is Jessica, logging off!

I closed my laptop and put it down on the bed.

I grabbed my phone and unlocked it. I looked at the home screen wallpaper. It was all of the  Seventeen members.

I told S.Coups to send me a selca of all of them. It was taken right before they began their daily practice and while I was at work.

The thought of all of us working hard made me instantly happy.

I looked at all of the members smiling faces and my eyes stopped at one in particular.


His smile was genuine.

'I bet he wouldn't have smiled if he knew that this picture was going to be my wallpaper...'

["Jay! We're home!"]

My head shot straight up. Like a puppy who just heard their owner walk through the door.

I walked outside the room and saw the boys, drenched in sweat, pile into the small living room one by one.

I raised my arms and smiled at them

"Welcome home!"

They all smiled at me.

["Wah~ it feels so nice to be welcomed home everytime we get home, right?"]

Everyone nodded and agreed to Dino's statement.

["I'll make dinner while you guys wash up, cool?"]

Most of them nodded and began to go wash up.

Others like Vernon, Mingyu, Jun, Dino, and DK stayed and wouldn't budge unless I let them help out with dinner.


["Okay! We're almost done here. Vernon and I will take care of the rest. You guys set the table and go wash up! Hurry~ Go!"]

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