Not Him, Miss Him, Need Him

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It's been maybe three days already? And they still haven't let me out. I feel like I'm suffocating.

I turned my head towards the door after hearing a knock on it and the soft click of it becoming unlocked.

The door opened and a tray was placed on the floor.


Quickly, the door was closed and the soft click, that showed the being locked, followed right after.

I sighed and turned onto my stomach on my bed.

I opened up my laptop and played videos of Seventeen on different shows.

Whenever Jihoon would get any screentime and he would look at the camera, my heart would flutter and my cheeks would go red.

I ended up watching many videos and watching other idols too. There were a lot more groups I got to know. Just as I was about to click on a new video, my phone's screen lit up.

>["I sent you a present. I hope you like it."] -Eric

>["How did you get my number?"] -Me

>["Your mom gave it to me."] -Eric

I frowned and closed my eyes trying to calm myself down from the rage that was burning inside me.

>["Okay."] -Me

I heard the soft click of the door being unlocked.

["Miss Kingsley, you are allowed to walk around the house now."]

I looked at the man standing right at my door way.

["My name is Edward. I will be acompaning you wherever you want and need to go."]

I nodded and closed my laptop. I grabbed my phone and stood up from my bed.

["Ah yes. Miss Kingsley, there seems to be a delivery for you and the front door."]

I cringed at being called "Miss Kingsley".

["Thanks. Also, please call me Jessica, or Jay. Anything, but Miss Kingsley."]

The man nodded and cleared his throat.

["Well then, Miss Jessica, I will do as you ask."]

I pursed my lips since he still used "Miss", but I let it go because it was better than the title he gave me before.

I slowly walked down the stairs with Edward following behind me.

I got to the bottom of the stairs and started seeing rose petals on the floor making their way to the front door.

I looked in confusion at the petals and frowned.

I opened my mouth to ask why there were rose petals on the floor, but when I looked up to ask, I noticed a few people around me.

I could see the maids and servants whispering and giggling with each other. When they noticed me looking at them, they straightened their clothes and began doing what they were doing before.

Deciding not to ask anymore, I walked towards the start of the rose petals.

I stood there in thought for a while until a bad feeling suddenly came over me. I followed their path nonetheless. Each step closer I took made me feel sick . The bad feeling I had at the bottom of my stomach grew. I was going to throw up.

When I reached the front door, I hesitantly put my hand on the door knob. My head screamed to turn back, but my curiosity pressed me to go forward. And my curiosity won.

Run Away to Find Love (Seventeen Woozi Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin