Personal Office, Talents, and Sleeping Faces

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~:~ Jay POV ~:~

Dear Electronic Diary,

It's been only 2 months since I first arrived.

I began to take a class to learn Korean. I studied hard everyday since I started so I'm pretty good with the basics. I even got a part-time job at a nearby cafe to help me practice my speech and to have some money for myself.

The boys and I have become close too. My best friends are obviously Vernon and Joshua. But I've also become closer with Dino recently. He's always teaching me their dances when we both have free time and we often play together.

It has also become a habit for Woozi and I to sleep together. Weird, I know. Either he comes late from practice or I come late from work and we just slide into the same bed without a second thought. The others got used to it too so it doesn't really matter.

On the other hand, though Woozi and I sleep on the same bed, he's still being as cold as ever! I can't believe him! I had fooled myself into believing that we could become close. He hasn't smiled at me even once since that day. I made it my mission to make him smile at me more. But I think all my attempts to become closer to him only make us drift farther apart.

Good news though! Today the boys are taking me to their company building. I have the day off from work and the boys decided to give me a tour. They had already told their manager about this so hopefully there won't be any problems with me going.

-This is Jessica, logging off!

I saved the new entry and shut off my laptop getting up from Woozi's bed.

I walked over to a small drawer that contained most of the clothes that the boys had bought for me.

I picked a pair of light demin ripped jeans that S.Coups had gotten me and a teal v-cut top that Jeonghan had gotten me. I finished the look with a long and thin cardigan and Mingyu got me.

I walked over to the bathroom to change and wash up.

["Jay! Are you ready?!"]

I was just about finished putting on my cardigan when I heard Dino calling for me.

["Almost oppa!]

I quickly gathered my things and rushed out of the bathroom and put them away in my bag.

["Okay! Ready!"]

Dino smiled at me and grabbed my hand.

["Hurry! The other's are already outside. Let's not keep them waiting!"]

["The others are....what? I don't understand... You said that too quickly!"]

He just laughed and pulled me along to meet the others.

["Finally! I thought you guys were fighting a dragon or something and that's why you were taking so long!"]

Seungkwan came up to me and shook his head in disbelief as he placed a black cap on my head.

"Sorry for making you guys wait~ It's my fault..."

["It's okay. We aren't even close to being late. We have enough time to get there early anyways. Let's go!"]

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